syrian teddy bear hamster lifespan

They can attain 4-7 in (10.16-17.78 cm) of length when they become adults and have a weight of 4 oz (113.4 g). But before you succumb to a moment of weakness, youll want to find out what goes into Teddy Bear hamster care. This means, each one is truly unique to its little family! Thus, children can be very responsible and can derive a great deal of learning and satisfaction from caring for a pet. Chewing is a natural behavior so providing them with safe means to do what comes naturally keeps them happy. A typical teddy bear hamster will need a layer of around 6inches and paper-based bedding is best. And nothing is cuter than watching them fill up their cheeks with food! Housing male Syrian hamsters together can cause stress in the animals and lead to fatal fighting. You cant hand complete responsibility for a hamster over to a child to teach them responsibility. That is a recipe for disaster and the death of the hamster. All Rights Reserved. If you try to put two teddy bear hamsters together, they may attack one another. A hamsters typical lifespan and how long do hamsters live will be influenced by a variety of circumstances. Costs range from $12-$40. The most expensive part of getting a golden hamster is often making sure you have all the supplies. The only difference is that we dont know much information about the predcan bepositions that are passed on genetically for hamsters. Occasional treats from the pet store/vet. Teddy bear is a term used to describe a Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) with long hair. Female hamsters can reproduce between the ages of 8 and 10 weeks when they weigh an average of 90 to 100 grams. Teddy bear hamsters are territorial and will fight with any cage-mates, sometimes to the death. I bought a hamster too her name is bella she is very nice and curious. Teddy bear hamsters can grow to around 4-7 inches in length and are one of the largest breeds, coming in at almost double the size of a dwarf hamster. Other teddy bear hamster clubs include: the Midland Hamster Club in England, and the California Hamster Association in America. Children learn what they are taught. And, a great way to show off your knowledge of teddy bear hamster facts. Mine hasnt bitten me yet but he squeaks every time I get close to his cage. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This can mean that a bedroom isnt the best place for their cage, though! Syrian hamsters in the wild live much shorter lives than our domesticated pets. The main threat to their lifespans are predators such as owls and other birds of prey. Others claim their Syrian hamster lived to be as much as 5 or 6 years old. Once your hamster is happy to be held, you need to master the art of picking them up. But there are key differences between male and female genitalia that are easy to detect and will allow you to determine the sex of your hamster. As we look at some of the other great teddy bear hamster facts, youll see how they link to this first point! Teddy bear hamsters are low-maintenance and easygoing. These bags cost around $18. Sometimes my teddy bear hamster wakes up screaming from a nightmare. Hamsters should be fed a diet that mimics what they would naturally eat in the wild. When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. While most are black, its not unusual for them to have blackish blue, blackish-red, dark red, or pink. For males, however, there is a much larger gap and there is likely to be hair. Syrian hamster mothers are known to sometimes eat their own young if they perceive themselves to be in danger. So many things make Syrian hamsters a great choice for children. I LOVED HIM SO MUCH. A Syrian hamster can have anywhere from 5 to 10 babies. It is important to never lunge or grab at them, as this is how predators attack their prey in the wild. Try to avoid giving them too much fresh fruit, as these are often high in natural sugar content. Maximum they may live upto 7 years. A basic hamster carrier costs around $10-$12 (although you can make your own versions with boxes you already have around the house). Although the exact origin of these hamsters has yet to be determined, Michael R. Murphy (author of History of the Capture and Domestication of the Syrian Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus Waterhouse) states in his book that the earliest mention of Syrian hamsters description is recorded in The Natural History of Aleppo (by Dr. Alexander Russell.) Newborn pups reach sexual maturity in about 3-4 weeks. When they were much younger Id make sure that they learned how to gently handle the hamsters and how to be safe about with them. When she's not writing she loves traveling, perusing used book stores, and hanging out with her other half. Most teddy bear hamsters today originate from that first captive line. Some of these factors are genetic that cant be controlled or avoided. They are actually sleep walking/talking, and you want to wake them so they dont hurt themselves. Put some treats throughout and watch your hamster explore! To better understand where Syrian (Teddy Bear) hamsters fit in with domestic/pet hamster species, lets identify the common pet hamster species. Wake him with your voice, not your fingers! Their coats might be of solid colour or a combination of colours, and bellies are mostly white. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest hamster lived to be 7 years of age. We started this website to share our experiences with owning and looking after hamsters. Have some feedback for us? You cannot prevent getting a hamster with predispositions, but you can be more careful to prevent your pet from getting a life-threatening illness. Chinese Dwarf Hamster: Exotic Hamster Breed Guide, Syrian Hamster: The Most Popular Hamster Type, Roborovski Dwarf Hamster: Breed Information and Care Tips, Dog And Hamster: Everything You Need To Know, Hamster Food Bowl: Tips for Selecting the Best One, Do Hamsters Get Lonely? If you want a pet you can leave at home while youre busy at work or school, and interact with in the early mornings and late evenings, this is the perfect animal. The lifespan of Syrian Hamsters Syrian or Golden hamsters are very active, but also solitary by nature. The most common pet hamster, the Syrian hamster, also known as the teddy bear hamster or golden hamster, usually grows to about 6 inches (15.24 cm) long. The average lifespan of a teddy bear hamster is about 2-3 years in captivity, and less time in the wild. Syrian Hamsters are small rodents about the size of an adult human hand - The adult size ranges from 5 - 7 inches in length. The oldest recorded teddy bear hamster lived for 8 years. If, however, you would prefer to purchase your teddy bear hamster via a breeder or pet store than you can expect to pay up to $20. So, this pet isnt a short-term commitment, but wont be with you for as long as an animal like a dog would. Read our blog for tips and advice to help make your hamster happy. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. If the female is not introduced when she is in season, potentially fatal fighting will ensue. They need to live with other hamsters to be healthy, whereas Syrian hamsters have to live alone to become healthy. If you want to have more than one hamster, you should consider getting dwarf breed hamsters. Genetic disorders and predispositions can be inherited in hamsters as they can in humans or dogs. The tail of Teddy Bear hamsters may be hidden behind their long hair. Females are more prone to bite, and this may be because they are more territorial. During the winter, they enter a state of hibernation where their body temperature drops to 20C and their metabolic rate is reduced to 5% of its normal levels, which allows them to conserve energy. You might also wonder what you can do to prolong your hamsters life. Its a good opportunity for the kids to learn responsibility and love for animals. Follow our blog as we share our hamster experiences with our lovable Syrian hamster Oscar. The differences are stunning. So, they can be an ideal first pet for older, responsible children. With time, they will allow you to pet them and play with them. Choose one with plenty of burrowing space, running space, and lots of room for extra hamster accessories. So before taking a hamster home, its important to have their cage set up beforehand. Try not to disturb the nest and when providing food and water, do so as quietly as possible. I see a living being. Maybe its, There are over 20 known species of hamsters but only five breeds are popular as pets. Hamsters are excellent diggers and are known to create rather elaborate underground burrows with multiple entrances and exits. This does not mean that your pet hamster cant live longer because Syrian hamsters can live so long as 4 years and possibly more. The Laboratory Animal Medicine Third Edition published an article (Biology and Diseases of Hamsters) that notes Syrian hamsters currently residing in the wild of the Middle East are found in arid desert regions where they tunnel deep to stay cool. The lifespan is shorter for wild hamsters. Hamsters can even learn tricks and habits, so this is a pet youll interact with a lot. Don't see the answer that you're looking for? Therefore, you should resist the urge to prod them awake as they may not take too kindly to it and may react by biting. A Syrian hamsters gestation period is 15 to 18 days. Theres a cage for every budget. The oldest recorded teddy bear hamster lived for 8 years. How Many Babies Do Hamsters Have In A Litter? Even though they are raised as a part of a litter, they do not tolerate the company of another one once they reach the age of 5 to 10 weeks. Wondering how long do teddy bear hamsters live? This indicates that the hamster is sexually mature as well as having achieved or is very near to reaching its full length. So older, responsible kids can handle them without much of a problem. Long-haired are known as Teddy Bears, while short-hair are known as Goldens or Fancy Bears. But a hamsters friendliness also depends on their gender, how tame they are, and whether or not theyre being kept on their own. Tubes satisfy the burrowing behavior in hamsters. . It is important not to rush into the taming process. You may wonder what the difference is between teddy bear hamsters, Syrian hamsters, and dwarf hamsters. A good quality pellet food designed for hamsters. In the wild Syrian hamster numbers are declining due to a loss of habitat and the effects of climate change. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Many reputable and ethical hamster breeders ensure that hamster pups are handled to get them acquainted with being held and interacting with humans. The Syrian hamster, in particular, happens to be the most popular choice for pet owners. They typically weigh around 120 to 125 grams when fully grown. Hamsters do have tails, but they are very short relative to their bodies and so are somewhat hidden. They typically weigh around 120 to 125 grams when fully grown. Their coat patterns are diverse and can range from no pattern to a hamster with a calico/tortoiseshell look. Speak to him before reaching your hand into his cage, especially if he is asleep. As teddy bear hamsters can grow to around 5-7 inches, you need to have a cage large enough for it to live and scamper around in. There are 24 species of hamster and they belong to the family Cricetidae. Syrians reach maturity when they're between 8-12 weeks old. As mentioned, the Syrian hamster lifespan is around 2-3 years. They have poor eyesight as they are both nearsighted and colorblind. Teddy Bear Hamster Characteristics and Traits. There is no foolproof method for extending a hamster's life. The breeding season for Syrian hamsters in the wild occurs during the spring and summer, but domestic hamsters can be made to breed year-round. A Guide To Hamster Hibernation. Characteristics [ edit] Skull of a Golden hamster The size of adult animals is around 6.3 in (16 cm) long, with a lifespan of 2-3 years. But, after this initial cost, your teddy bear hamster will be really affordable to care for. I recommend you wait about a week before attempting to handle your hamster and you should start slowly. Animals and humans pass on genetic traits to their babies. Golden hamsters are a great choice as a pet because they are quite tame pets! For females the gap between the two is hardly noticeable and the area around them will be bald. The teddy bear hamster is also known as a long-haired Syrian hamster. Initial research on hamsters determined that the mammalian circadian rhythm is modulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain. However, they also will become submissive following a social defeat by another hamster as a form of learned helplessness. The average lifespan of teddy bear hamsters, which in actuality is just another name for the Syrian hamster or golden hamsters, is two to three years. The best types of food you can give your hamster are those similar to what they would eat in the wild. Hamsters usually live for up to two years, although some may live for longer. Sometimes, hamsters in the wild have been found to occupy the abandoned burrows of other burrowing species. Since it is pretty gentle and enjoys being held, it is sometimes called teddy bear. Despite the constant badgering from our children, we spent a long time researching whether a teddy bear hamster would be the right fit for our family. When Alex isn't nerdily stalking the internet for science news, he enjoys tabletop RPGs and making really obscure TV references. Im done with men. Amenities in some of the more extravagant options include multi-levels, tubes, wheels, and houses. Cardboard tubes from toilet paper and paper towels can be reused as hamster toys. Also called Teddy-bear hamsters (hence my little Teddy's name). Unfortunately, this is not a factor that can be controlled. Most older, responsible children can definitely be taught to handle hamsters with patience, and are very willing to learn about correct hamster care. After this point, they must be separated and kept alone. One can find the Syrian Hamsters in different colours and patterns. Body mass is usually in the range of 100-150 grams (3.5-5.3 oz), but Syrian hamsters from private breeders can be in the range of 175-225 grams (6.2-7.9 oz). Know about your hamster and the primary causes of stress. Exercise, cage cleanliness, and the hamsters stress level are also factors for your pets longevity. How Often Do You Feed A Hamster? Therefore, you should make sure you have sufficient funds to purchase the essentials. Even the tamest hamster could be provoked into biting if they become anxious, stressed or are struggling whilst in your hands. This is why it is so important to approach them slowly so as not to scare them and always make sure that you wash your hands so that they do not mistake your fingers for some form of tasty food source. The teddy bear hamster is a great choice for a first time pet, because their care and maintenance is really simple! At one point, I looked over to discover that he had chomped his way out of the box. Just remember, however, that hamster are incredibly nimble and can move at quite a speed when they want too. Male hamsters, in general, are larger in appearance than their female counterparts. Hamsters are burrowers by nature, so you need to ensure that you have enough hamster bedding for them to hide. When you use a well balanced store-bought food, that should make up 90 percent of your pets diet. Her temperament may also change, shell start to make a nest for her young and she may make it clear that she no longer wants to be handled. Pre-packaged muesli or pellets bought from your local pet store offer a great source of nutrients and minerals for your hamster, however small quantities of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs offer a great way to supplement their diet. The hamster in the Guiness World Record book lived to an impressive 4.5 years old! Hamsters are also renowned for having terrible eyesight so rely on their other extraordinary senses to guide them and keep them safe. You have entered an incorrect email address! I loved my teddy bear hamster- Bugsy. As much as wed love to tell you these little guys will be around for a long time, they have short lives. Hamsters will not overeat in quantity, so you can spoil their dinners by giving too many treats. Long-haired hamsters also called Teddy bear hamsters; or Golden hamsters or Angora hamsters, are Syrian hamsters, usually male hamsters because the females have shorter coats. Males seem to outlive females on average, which is unusual in the animal world. Of course, we are bias, but we think teddy bear hamsters are undeniably cute and make the best first time pets. Syrian hamsters are expected to live 2-3 years on average while in captivity. But if you overfeed them they can grow even bigger. If you must get a hamster for your child, always be fully prepared to monitor what the child does and intervene when necessary. I see a friend. There are different kinds of dwarf hamsters, and the longest living is the Robovoski that provides an expected lifespan of up to 4 many years. Also, youll have to plan ahead for feeding them and otherwise ensuring their wellbeing. He just sat there, with the seat belt above him, just riding shotgun and watching me drive. The Syrian hamster lifespan is about 2-3 years. There are other genetic predispositions that you will not know when you buy your hamster. A females behind tends to be more rounded than a male hamster, which in comparison looks elongated. This is mainly due to their size as they are more robust than dwarf hamsters, especially if you buy your pet very young. The easiest way to meet your hamsters nutritional needs is to buy high-quality food that meets your breed of hamster requirements. Underweight or overweight symptoms in hamsters are typical because of a poor diet, being fed too much or too little, or not having access to some form of exercise or exercising too much. You will, however, need to put in extra effort and care when you first bring home your teddy bear hamster as you will need to tame it and train it not to bite. However, pet teddy bear hamster lifespan often reaches up to 3 years old. They do not exist in the wild. Factors aside from hormones that play a role in pet hamster longevity include genetics, species, diet quality, environment, care and nurturing, exercise, and exposure to stress. Selegiline is used to treat Parkinsons disease. Therefore tunnels, tubes and bridges are great for them to run around in and on. Hi there, thanks for your comment! However, hamsters are delicate and will bite when stressed or in pain. If your hamster does bite you, it does not necessarily mean that it is aggressive by nature, as it is possible to learn how to train your hamster not to bite. Syrian Hamsters are small rodents about the size of an adult human hand - The adult size ranges from 5 - 7 inches in length. Like any animal, teddy bear hamsters can be unpredictable and should always be handled with care. It is an inherent instinct the hamster still has. Syrian hamsters are the most common variant of pet hamster around the world. If youre curious how your baby hamster will continue to grow, stay tuned! They also became popular as pets in the U.K. and between the years of 2011-2017, it is estimated that over 3 million hamsters were owned. Slightly warmer or cooler than this range is also acceptable. They are often used to test treatments for various genetic diseases or cancers. I was surprised that he snuggled right up to me when I was settling him from his destroyed box to his new home! Once they are content to take them from your fingers, you should slowly start placing your hands inside their cage to offer them off the palms of your hand. They even will create specialized rooms meant for sleeping, raising their young, using the bathroom, and hoarding food. Our final reason that youll want to get a teddy bear hamster is simple theyre adorable! Small cages with no enrichment can lead to stress, unhappiness, and sickness. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you are thinking about getting a teddy bear hamster but want some top tips and further information on these cute and cuddly fur balls, then why not read our informative guide on everything you need to know about teddy bear hamsters? If youre looking for a starter pet, the fancy bear hamster is a great choice, because it prefers to live on its own. Although most hamsters are rehomed before they hit sexual maturity, female hamsters are able to get pregnant from as early as 6-8 weeks old. The lifespan is shorter for wild hamsters. Make sure to section off an area, so there is no place for your little friend to escape. Or, you can explore your creative side, and make a fun play area for them. Fancy hamsters are short-haired Syrian hamsters, while teddy hamsters are long-haired. The typical cleaning schedule for a hamster cage should involve spot cleaning every day. Female Short-Haired Hamster. This could be so they avoid owls who mostly hunt at night or to avoid extreme temperatures of day and night. In the event that you try to handle any hamster during daylight hours, it will be more likely to bite you out of stress. Hamsters should have exercise and a clean cage. Guinea Pigs: Ranked and Reviewed, How Many Mice Are In My House? The potential hamster parent will be required to handle it to tame it until it feels comfortable and develops a bond. Birmingham. Accessories will also require extra room within the cage. They have a stout, stocky body with little tails that are barely visible underneath their fur. A puppy is vulnerable and utterly dependent on the mother. But, it can be a fun way to help young children get excited about their new pet! Look for any soiled bedding and remove it from the cage. Ensure your pet has a comfortable temperature, ideally between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. A hamster must have a running wheel for exercise. The average lifespan of a teddy bear hamster is about 2-3 years in captivity and less time in the wild. Hamsters dont just sleep in their cages all the time, theyre really active! Hamsters also enjoy different kinds of climbing toys or strings that hang from the top of the cage. If you are thinking of getting a teddy bear hamster for your next pet, then there are number of things you should know. They have a stout, stocky body with little tails that are barely visible underneath their fur. In addition to coat length, sheen, and patterns are colors. Teddys are smart lovable and just so darn adorable! Syrian hamsters will either have a short, long, or rex coat (fur.) George Robert Waterhouse named and presented this hamster to the London Zoological Society as a new species. 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syrian teddy bear hamster lifespan