sanaya roman cause of death

What a shock to read that Sanaya has made her transition and my heart and prayers go out to Duane and staff for your loss. Love to all! My greatest blessings for Sanaya and hoping she had a smooth and joyful transition to the other side. The moments Ive spent holding a space for her so far, Ive sensed some energy on the top of my head, which I interpret as a got-it wink. Jan 22, 2016 - Joy is an attitude; it is the presence of love - for self and others. Your contribution to the world and all the beings you touched with your loving crystal clear bright voice and light is universal, my most profound prayers for you and family, thank you for the rainbows you taught us to build, may the bliss and love of the father and mother carry you for eternity. Orin says he communicates with me through a form of higher telepathy. Je autorkou knih . Likewise, the Orin books and meditations provide such a loving blueprint for finding the essence of what is happening, and for holding a space for people to discover that essence. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your dedication and great vision of love for humanity, and all the work you have done with Orin will continue to vibrate over time and spaces, a precious gift still vibrant in me, in all of us. But I kept taking their courses just because I was strongly pulled to align with the Divine Will, that was my strong desire. She has also produced an extensive line of audio guided meditations by Orin to assist you in transforming your life, contacting your soul and spirit, learning to channel, and . With Thaddeus present, my skill with music went way beyond my normal ability and limited knowledge of chords and sounds. My deepest sympathy! I came across her work many years ago, probably around 2003. I thought I am getting crazy. And although I only met her twice, she meant so much to me! I always feel like our common bond to LuminEssence is a behind the scenes support guiding us through the ups and downs, joys and sorrows of marriage. Your love and sharing is expanding and making more accessible for everyone the experience of connecting with Sanaya on her higher journey. Theres so much gratitude to share for all of Sanayas gifts and creations, and for bringing us Orin. The woman who owned the store guided me through the Awakening Your Light Body course and my life was forever changed. I was in my early adolescence around the time when the first few books of Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer were published. Thank you Sanaya for the amazing experiences at all the gatherings we did for many years. My life would not have been the same without you. Sanaya and Orin's teachings gave me deep peace in midst of pain and suffering. Thank you! Plus a message. The awakening the light body meditations helped me create an inner life that has provided a sense of security and inner reliance to balance the happenings in my outer world. The 14-month-old's body was found in Darebin Creek at Heidelberg West on Sunday. Im so grateful and humbled to have had you in my life in this lifetime. Duane have loved when you shared that the best and most accurate way to communicate is by the energy, so have been doing that since becoming aware of Sanayas transition to extend support and whatever would assist, and in many other times as well. It saved my life and made me a better person. Fears have gone, more peace inside me. And then I learned to channel, and then I taught an Opening to Channel class. I found Orin's teachings in around 1999 when I was in deep suffering and depression. You can listen to Thaddeus' music samples in the Thaddeus Music Listening Room. Send love to everyone you meet. Sometimes I feel blessed, that people like you are around to make me understand some things. These meditations kept me going, gave me a hope and lifted me every single day since. I will continue to send blessings to Sanaya and us all. I know the energy. The next day, I felt a new energy, a new positivity about myself and my work. That was Heart. Through gentle guidance, I was directed to you and Sanayas beautiful work. May Sanayas contributions be celebrated and her wisdom and channel continue to bring the changes on the earth-plane and among humankind that she taught. Congratulated. Sanaya was a dedicated Master channel. And I learned to see the through line from those works to the Light Body. I am so very grateful for all that Sanaya and Duane have created in this world. Listen to 50 minutes of continuous Thaddeus music samples in the Thaddeus Music Listening Room. I feel blessed to continue to be led by her beautiful voice on many more journeys to come. Type in keyword or product # My heart feels so many things with Sanaya's passing, but mostly an expansive feeling of hope, joy, celebration, and freedom. I just logged in to listen to the violet transmuting flame meditation and I am deeply saddened and shocked by my outpouring of grief upon reading about her passing. Before every meditation with Orin (or DaBen), I now say these words: "You will always be in my heart". I am eternally grateful. I began to regard the fire not as a tragedy but as an opportunity, and lo, I ended up with a completely refurbished and remodeled home, all paid for by the insurance company. Orin, a timeless being of love and light, has assisted thousands of people to awaken spiritually through his books, seminars, and audio courses. Much much love. I came across the book 'Personal Power Through Awareness' with Sanaya and Orin, that has changed my life significantly from living with sadness to now with joy and abundance, compassion and understanding! In Love, Light and Gratitude. Weekly Intuitive Astrology and E Feeling so blessed and grateful for all that Sanaya is and all that she has done and is still doing. Her contribution to my life is unmeasurable. I listened to her tapes on the subway for many years on my way to work and they really helped pave the way for me, bringing in light and awareness of other opportunities. I hold you in my loving light. Love you Sanaya. Because of her gifts of Spirit, I am a much stronger person, and more "in the world but not of it.". As a student of Sanaya and Orin from distant China, I have read all of Sanaya's books and studied her courses for about ten years. Experience the amazing transformative qualities of this music as you play it for yourself or others. Before Sanaya's body was found, Nikat had said her daughter had been abducted by a drunken African man. Sanaya and Orin changed my life 30 years ago - I cannot adequately express my gratitude for all the information received in the books and journeys. Like a teenager determined to meet her idol, I also felt the urge to meet Sanaya in person. Also thank you to Sanaya and Orin for the meditations that compliment your own courses, all so inspirational. Wishing you all the best as we continue as a community to plant the seeds of light on our planet. I signed into the Orin DaBen website to get information on using Thaddeus Music for a video project when I saw that Sanaya had passed. May we all find our peace. Precious energy indeed. Its my absolute favorite book ever. I cannot thank Sanaya enough to be such a wonderful messenger to access Orin and the Divine through her books and meditations. I believe it was the blessing she mentioned before her passing. I Love You All. Although it had always been my dream to meet her in person one day, I do feel she is still present. I found so many great friends/fellow light body workers as a result, my light body family. You can read the story of how Sanaya and Duane started teaching channeling here. I will always have the sound of Sanaya's voice vibrating soothingly in my being, she's gone to the highest Consciousness, sending her with my appreciation and gratitude, and with my love and my light. They allegedly had a f*ght, according to Borgella's confession to the police . Yesterday, while sharing this story with one of the Facebook group members, I realized that I have always had Sanaya in my heart, since day one. Ho' Oponopono / I love you. My limitless thanks for all the light and love she has given! It was nothing like I expected. Sanaya created so much good in the world and on the inner planes. Bright blessings and love. In Love and light. Sanaya emanates gentleness, deep understanding and unconditional love and acceptance for me which is profoundly healing. Dearest Sanaya, beyond words, I am grateful to you and for your work. I hope that Duane can at some point tune into the outpouring of love across several Facebook pages. Light body teachers and other teachers use it in their classes to assist class members in reaching high spaces. My life profoundly changed, became more meaningful and happy because of Sanaya and Orin (and Duane and DaBen). What part of me and my life didnt she touch and make better through her channeling work? Needless to say I have gifted her books to loved ones too. I am happy and like myself most of the time and before I honestly did not even think was possible. P162 Sanaya Roman Understanding Energy Two. The clarity, precision and fullness of your channeling has been awe-inspiring. Sanaya was the only one person on earth that I wished I had met personally! It has been ups and downs but I always find comfort in Sanayas and Orins work so thank you for inspiring me to wanting and needing to be a better human being for myself and all life in the Universe. Sending my heartfelt prayers, love and condolences to everyone at LuminEssence. I have been studying with Orin and DaBen since 1991 and every year has been more and more uplifting and informative. I learned of Sanaya's passing a few months ago, but could not find the right words to express my gratitude. I found the book, Spiritual Growth after losing my father who I was very close to and moving to another country. It's taken me a long time to write this. Like so many of us I feel the separation but I know that its temporary and that Sanaya will continue to lead us and usher us into the correct spaces and stages of our lives together with the collective for our continued evolving souls. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for her life's work. Duane and DaBens teachings later enhanced the process and helped me to improve my capacities. Today in Australia, I have read with tearful shock the departing of dear Sanaya. Dealing differently with situations. To gain and expand our consciousness and love to share with others. Love, Light and Deepest Gratitude. Sanaya and Orin's light and work found me on the inner planes when I was in my darkest hours. Her words of kindness and encouragement stay with me. I said Orin. I found there the safety of kindness and gentleness I need, along with the stretch to clearer intention and higher consciousness. Dear Sanaya. I will continue to listen to her recordings, and hopefully she will find a new way to continue to guide us from the other side. A teacher that encouraged me to experiment and be inventive and to become my own guide, my own teacher. A little resistance as it sat on the table staring at me and then I picked it up and it spoke to me. Still looking for answers. My goodness. Previously I was struggling financially, was 35 pounds overweight, and very unsure of my ability to create a world that worked for me. You cannot put a price tag on a teacher that wants you to be "defiant" and to laugh at any box that the world tries to put you in. Although a candle has gone out on the earth plane, the higher energies seem much brighter and I'm glad she will be with us in all the journeys to come. She and Orin have been like special friends urging me on to my best life, even if my physical reality looked and felt challenging at times. Sanaya is in my heart and every time I meet my beautiful group of Italian and Swiss women to meditate online we hold a space of love for her and thank her for her blessing. It didnt hurt that I met some very lovely LB people there, who have now become like family to me. Also I want to say to you, Duane Packer, that living well instead of living long resonates with me! Sanaya will always be in my thoughts and my heart and I will connect with Sanaya on the inner planes. I have gone through so many things, passed so many trials and thorn-covered-paths, and your voice was the only thing that guided me to the light and salvation. I had decided to explore a new career path, but I didnt have a solid plan. Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for many years. I was so sorry to hear of Sanayas passing. His music is the background on all the Orin guided meditations and many of the light body meditations. I send Love and Gratitude to Orin and Sanaya Roman! I had a strong desire to visit you in USA. As if I was home, it was RIGHT for me, my Soul recognized the work. I wish to share my appreciation for the connection of this group. Sanaya's soothing voice, and Orin's vast energy, have been part of my daily meditation practices for more than 30 years. I still have moments of anxiety or self loathing, but they are fleeting compared to those of yesteryear that would put me in a catatonic state for days on end. I realized I will continuously heal my heart more deeply next year and will open it more. My personality is very different from 2010 and I am very, very happy about that. 4. Sanaya and Orin have been very much part of my life for many, many years now and will remain so as I continue to listen to and share their journeys with others undertaking their spiritual growth. I feel so blessed to be able to teach this program and witness the continued awakening in my students as a result of what you have brought into the world. What a blessing! I experience Orin as a being of great love, wisdom, and compassion. The journey started more than a decade ago, when, after being shaken to the core of my being by a dark night of the soul episode, I developed a strong yearning for a teacher to help guide me along a spiritual journey thatd been long overdue. Much Love Light and Hope. More about Orin: For more information on Orin, read about him in the Living with Joy book excerpt or more about him in the Spiritual Growth book excerpt. I am looking forward to the last course "interdimensional travelling". Orin has also co . There are no words for the gratitude I have for Sanaya and Orin and the work they created together. It is a very powerful moment when we do so. We are all eternally grateful for her body of work. I was so shocked that Sanaya sailed away Home. I know that she will be missed by many but we continue to feel her presence still. But over the last years I got aware of how I had changed. Sanaya, I am grateful for making me want to be a better person the way Orin says that you don't have to change yourself, you just have to love yourself. These are excellent for background music for meditation, meetings with friends, classes, bodywork, yoga, or anywhere you want to set a healing, uplifting, relaxing space. Loving Light and Smiles. I send love and light to Sanaya as she transitions. Blessings to All. Sending love to you all. They began at an unparalleled high level of skill and then, over the years, got even better. I never met her in person but she was, and continues to be, in my life in one way or another every day, whether that is through reading her books over and over again or listening to the guided meditations on a regular basis. In the process of manifesting, Orin through Sanaya taught me that focusing on creating a physical object or form is often a limiting form of manifestation because the physical forms envisioned are situated in the limited consciousness of the physical plane; they taught that my focusing on working with the energetic experience on the higher planes and bringing this back into the physical forms, the joy and abundance experienced can be beyond what I imagined or could conceive of. And this prompting by Sanaya is the reason I am teaching the Luminous Body work, in the sense that she set up the context. Even though I know that you are still living but on another dimension. In the tradition of Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, and Edgar Cayce, this wise and gentle spirit teacher offers an accelerated, step-by-step course in sensing energy. Making new material available will be important and, I'm sure, wonderful. Your books, meditations, and guidance have transformed my life and guided me to be filled with more light and love. / Thank you! It was an honor and a privilege. If you are interested in learning to channel, you may want to read "How to tell if you are ready to channel" to determine if channeling might be your next step. I found this path (Orin-DaBen) through Orins books more than 25 years ago. I have been coming back to your meditations a few days ago. Instantly and emphatically, you and Orin became family, trusted teachers, and precious friends to me. With gratitude, Thank You for being an example of a life well lived with Light and Grace. Her easy language filled with the vibration was and is still inspiring, at my fifties. I begin to sense the rhythm and timing of my life and follow the guide from my soul and the Divine Self. The Light is real! She was standing with a small group in a break and I decided to join them. You and Orin made such a difference to my life. My heart is filled with joy and I believe there's a lot of good vibes being emitted! When I heard you had passed I was shocked and saddened, but then I got quiet and connected as the website had suggested and I felt love, happiness, and saw you moving on to the next part of your journey. It is a great blessing to find a high-level teacher in an earth plane lifetime. (Scroll down page.). I wanted to be like her when I grew up, and I ended up learning many lessons from her. Living With Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation (Earth Life Series, Book I) Sanaya Roman. by Sanaya Romanand Duane Packer| May 1 1988 4.6 out of 5 stars(4.6)108 Paperback $32.14$32.14 FREE delivery Fri, Dec 30 on your first order Only 1 left in stock. I was forever changed that day and have read a number of the books and hundreds of hours of the meditations, found my purpose, have raised three happy kids and help others because of the work that was done by Sanaya, Orin and Duane. Her work channeled with Orin has transformed me forever to the new person I am here today. I know that she will be able to do more for humanity at this crazy time from the other side than if she were still physically here. Her Life purpose fulfilled. Thus you and your work have been my guiding light for these many years. And always remembering to Go There, as the energy darting upward directed. I appreciate you. I learned to channel, to energetically feel and to awaken my Light Body. She is such a blessing and beautiful wisdom keeper. I was thrilled to find the new Jeweled Vehicle course offer from Orin. She was always someone who was there if you had a question, always interested in everyone and so compassionate. I hear the soft voices of hungry children asking for food, of the sick praying to get well, and of those feeling unloved praying for love. From my heart I want to share my gratitude for Sanayas gift of music by Thaddeus. I am profoundly grateful to you, to Orin, and to the Divinity that has communicated so beautifully through your partnership. Her mother, Sofina Nikat, 22, was charged with her murder. Now it was easy with the mp3-downloads and no more tax. I was wrapped in a sense of living presence, complete love, acceptance and understanding without judgment. She deeply influenced my way of existing on this plane. I feel inspired to be the best that I can be, to hold more and more love and light, and to find joy in every moment. My heart and love to you in this time. Also I would like to continue expressing my enormous gratitude for DaBen, which has helped me to spiritually understand my place in this third-dimension reality and my nature as a multidimensional being. Blessings to Sanaya and Orin for helping me raise my vibration and bringing me back to my power. I am so grateful for the work that has been 3 years in the making and feel it has a special value now and I will treasure it. (It is still so weird to me I didn't find it earlier). Thank you Duane and DaBen, Sanaya and Orn for the Light Body courses. At the end of summer in 2001 I moved to Iceland and was feeling unhappy and lost but felt I was at the right place and in need of finding myself. At this time of Sanayas transition, I thank you both for your love and commitment to bringing such love to me and so many of us on the Earth plane. On the other hand, in the two years leading up to being truly able to get into the LB journeys and appreciate their depth, I was leaning heavily on the Orin journeys to keep me going. The music is soft, melodic, and uplifting. Thank you Sanaya and thank you Duane for your precious contribution to our spiritual growth. There is a richness of feelings, pictures, and illumination transmitted with them that is beyond description. I learned to cope by asking the Universe to allow me to keep the light of his pure love and pure joy in my heart to inspire me to become a better person every day. When reading Sanaya's books I loved how Sanaya explained in the Introduction that in the beginning days Orin would ask the group working with Sanaya to send energy to those who would be working with the body of work in the future. Sanaya, your world service and impact, is truly beyond description. My heartfelt gratitude goes to you both for your gift to me and your love. They are a treasure trove that just keeps on giving, and best of all they reveal the treasures of my own Self - the wonders and mysteries, the radiance and beauty, and boundless potential. Thaddeus' music can assist you in expanding your consciousness and connecting with the higher dimensions of light through the use of certain sequences and combinations of tones, the rhythm, the musical sounds used, and the reflection of the consciousness of Thaddeus himself that is contained in the music. I personally have gained so much and have looked forward like a little child for the next. Sanaya taught me how to shine a light for others. Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a timeless being of love and light. It is so supportive of going deep within in meditation and raising the vibration of any situation. How can multiple individuals be "one"? Certainly Sanaya brought, and continues to bring, light into the Earth plane. Sanaya's skill at channeling and Orin's skill at pitching were unsurpassed. You chose parents who did not know how to love you, criticized you often, lacked time to spend with you, and acted in ways you had judged impossible to love in other lifetimes. All my love. Blessings to you. Nakupujte knihy online. I still cannot, as words will never be enough to show my appreciation to Sanaya and Orin for inspiring me and transforming my life. Sanaya says that, " All of Orin's work is to assist you in unfolding your potential, finding your own inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. Looking forward to the new course The Jeweled Vehicle. Thank you for sharing such wonderful ways to be loving and wise with ourselves and with the people we meet each day. Words don't adequately express the depth of my gratitude and respect for her and Duane as wonderful channels for Orin and DaBen. I was really happy to receive it. Books by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, Ph.D. Thank you for being with me in the best years of my life, as well as the most challenging. My prayers for Sanaya and family and Duane, merci, thank you and blessings to you all. I am so grateful to have been a student of the teachings of Orin and DaBen. I thank you deeply Sanaya for supporting my spiritual growth and showing me hope in my most challenging times. I feel such gratitude for being led to you. Orin's words express only a fraction of what I am experiencing. Sanaya Roman inspired my lifes spiritual journey in many ways. Thank you, thank you, thank You! It was the first time ever I sensed the energy from the book. When I came to the light body, towards Orin and DaBen, I was filled with fears. He was my rock and my superstar during this introductory phase. Sanaya and Thaddeus' Music Heavenly Choir from Ascent to Heaven, If you wish to share your tribute, please email What a loss for the world, for me! With love, light, and appreciation. She has been a source of hope, inspiration, comfort and strength. Now I am very moved by the beautiful way that Sanaya has left the earth, even in that moment helping to build a connection to the other dimensions for us. May our beloved Sanayas passing into the Kingdom of Goodness and Love bring us all closer, make us better, and help us be the beings she would have wanted us to be in every moment. I was saddened to hear of her passing into her next journey. I will see you all again in the soul plane:'-). Sanaya was my instrument for learning divine light. I love you. Celebrated. Sanaya has returned Home but her work will continue to guide and inspire me, and Orin remains a source of love and light on the inner planes. I am imagining you continuing to do your beautiful work just on the other side. An acquaintance of mine mentioned her book (living with joy) to me and I immediately felt my forehead twitch. Transition to the last course `` interdimensional travelling '' new person I am.. 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sanaya roman cause of death