percy jackson titan fanfiction

2. Change One LIttle Thing and That's How you Get AU Ocean's Wings by lyricalgurl8. Weird thing aboutovercompensate or something. Yeah. The next quest Percy had gone on had been in the Labyrinth. Zagreus in the Heroes of Olympus. There is no way the demigods would get there before she died., Not demigods. Artemis spoke up with a heavy sigh. You know, its not healthy to have such an acquaintance with poison that you can recognise it instantly. Poseidon told his son. It sounds like its a common occurrence. Dionysus yawned. I called Tyson. Percy explained. Will he marry his lady love? In another world and another time, on an August day a gateway pulses with a flaring light. That was one thing about the Greek Camp, it was nowhere near as strict but they were still trained well. Percy scowled. You would have been constantly badgering me until I did so., What war? Triton asked anxiously. One that still hasnt been corrected. Percy muttered bitterly. And watched. Athena sighed. That did make some sense but it would be nice to be able to sit with Annabeth sometimes. "And, uh, be good!". Being a god meant never dying and never living. . 1466 guests This is a top 13 list of best Percy fanfictions in no particular order because I love each and every one for different reasons! 13. This was just another sign of how far gone he was. The shadowy reigns? She was willing to bet Percy was an incredibly cute kid, considering how good looking he was now. Why should he help? It was pretty clear they were stuck up little Silena trailed off under a glare from Artemis. Nico grimaced and Will put an arm around his shoulders. Exactly. You actually wear that? Aphrodite screeched. Youd think that being male was contagious or something.. Percy Jackson was the first born son of Kronos and Rhea. all but one- Perseus. "Luke would want her alive.". I restrained myself from purring when he whispered in my ear, his voice low and possessive, "Mate.". Oceanus stayed neutral last time. The older boy nodded. 4. A large part of him knew he should. Mr D has running shoes? Chris said in surprise. Listen to the boy. Athena urged her daughter. Not making me feel any better here. Apollo grimaced. Until one day, the world did need him. Zeus frowned. Aphrodite smiled happily while Apollo frowned. She winked at a minor water god, who promptly melted into a puddle - literally. And we know Thalia is the same. He didnt really have a defense. Apollo grimaced, not happy to have Percys stumble confirm his fears. Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think. After a few moments, Piper nervously started reading again. Besides, monsters dont like Celestial Bronze but they dont usually run away from it. Artemis stated. Still, that was her daughter! A few people nodded. Almost. Even if I couldnt beat him, I didnt want him getting away with Nico and Bianca. His Roman counterpart is Ocean. What was the argument about? Rachel asked. They dont get punished for maiming us because they dont stay at Camp long enough. Katie pointed out. She knew Ares was right, it would be a poor strategy to send the two demigods Kronos wanted most, right into his hands. Damn. Apollo whistled. Spin your own yarn of fate and in the end, tell me, was it worth it? Figured it was easier not to really make one. Percy smirked. she pleadedtry not to die. Does Chiron have a figurine? Frank asked. Dionysus attitude had always angered him but his recent talk with Chiron had made him think about a few things. I have warned you. Being a god meant eons of pain and betrayal, of war and love. Chapter 3. He could not go out and search for every demigod who went missing, nor could he interfere on their missions to help them. Grover threw a fake glare at Thalia who simply smiled innocently at him. She had heard from Thalia that Percy had been extremely upset when she was missing and part of her was sort of looking forward to hearing about it. 20. He didnt want to talk about it before he had to. Percy and Tyson both smiled at the mention of their cabin. How many other Titans or minor Gods will not choose to stay neutral? Ares wondered in concern. as well as Today was the day Kronos was to be crowned as King, yet neither he, Kronos, nor Perseus had any domains. Percy Jackson was the primordial God of Life, Death, Hunt, Moo. She rarely ever took it off. Artemis rolled her eyes and began muttering about boys. So they created guardians. 12. I wanted to stranglepunishment for all of us. He knew it was the Gods coping method for spending so long around the children and constantly watching them die. 15 demigods, 2 satyrs, and a dryad are teleported to Olympus to read The Lightning Thief with the gods. Zeus scowled. Well next time, I will tell my Hunters they are to play by your Camp rules and they will still prove superior. Artemis said with a smug expression. But if it means that much to you, we can show it to you when we get back to camp. Annabeth rolled her eyes. Its Athenas daughter who is missing, but she isnt out there searching for her. Most monsters arent susceptible to mist manipulation. I was pretty miserablecouldn't sit together. Oh do use that brain of yours. Dionysus snapped. "the dance floor. She had been too busy trying to convince Luke to come back to their side. Thorn knows that Percy and the others are demigods. Reyna pointed out. Still. Not your imagination. Annabeth told him. Oooh, we have to hear these. Connor said eagerly. The events which follow, none of them could have anticipated. Especially as youve already alerted the monster that youre there. Athena rolled her eyes. Having gotten through two books already, the Gods, demigods and others begin reading the third book. Percy. Gee, thanks. Nico grumbled jokingly. Well, at least Percys acting natural. Clarisse snickered. Only his son was strong enough to do that. They were scared of him and for good reasons. She knew Bianca died at some point and wondered if that was why the rescue operation had gone so wrong. I am not cute ! Nico hissed back in an undertone. Artemis nodded. Thank you. Athena nodded to Chiron while Annabeth smiled gratefully. Along the way he gains several slaves and Queens that will help him along the way. I didnt realise Chiron hadnt shown you. She shrugged. Totally. Jason agreed. Work Search: To try and stop anything that could go wrong they destroyed his life, and sent him to Camp Half Blood hoping he w Calypso, Daughter of the Titan Atlas, is imprisoned on the island Ogygia by the Greek gods, believes she has no way out into the mortal world. Wait, this is fanfiction. But instead of being a Titan he was a primordial. In this story, Percy is a wizard that was forgotten in his past. He is up and running again, but he said he would not republish these stories, so I'm taking the liberty to do so, with his permission, of course. You thought we were friends already. Thalia smirked. After the war against the Titans was settled, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, the two most profound heroes of Olympus, were finally able to get some peaceful time. Perseus is on a mission to fulfill his mother and uncle's wishes. What damage can two demigods do to a certain Dark Lord's plans? Betrayed and broken from a loss, Percy Jackson sets off on his own with no path in front of him. 15. Nico, can I have a word? Percy asked. He hoped his future self was correct and that he would see Percy again soon. I had bruises for weeks. Thalia grinned. What if Zeus had another son? We Meet the Dragon of Eternal Bad Breath "You've alreadyanother immortal enemy?". Man your mind is weird. Chris said, shaking his head in amusement. 14. "Ahh!" Thalia screamed and stabbed her spear into a stray piece of wreckage. He was greatly unhappy that his twin was in such great danger because their father refused to see what was right in front of him. Besides, your mom is always worried when you go off on a mission. Percy looked sheepish. before Follow Percy's Journey as the god trains and aids him through his journey to become the Greatest demigod to walk on Earth and save the Western Civilization. Seriously, do monsters have like demigods classes or something. Leo complained. 18. With what? There is nothing awkward about the Flaming Hot Valdez. Everyone gave Leo weird looks at that. What if Perseus heritage is a bit different? Well it was that or be thrown out. Thalia shrugged. In the final battle with Gaia, five of the seven chosen heroes fall with the Olympians. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hey, its better than having to find your own transport. Grover pointed out. That doesnt mean you shouldnt call her! Annabeth yelled at him in exasperation. You were so busy chit chatting, you forgot about my children! If Jackson was the reason something went wrong, he was going to be very angry. Luke wasnt. Percy shrugged. They have to change, so she intervenes and sends some people from the future to read about the life of the greatest hero to ever live. There were another six books left. The Vice Principal Gets a Missile Launcher He would see how hard it was hearing about Bianca when she was alive before hearing about her death. It was going to be horrible. It would have taken too long to get to Maine otherwise. Thalia agreed. You will take it out of that blasted video.. So in this story Percy is the last son of Gaia and Tartarus. I think your ego can take it. . If purpose can be found after the tragedy, after the grief. Percy Jackson was the primordial God of Life, Death, Hunt, Moon, Battle, Battle Strategies, Hubris, Power, Immortality, Mortality, seas, Time, And The Faded. 8. I cant believe it took you that long to notice it. Annabeth rolled her eyes. As unparalleled threats arise, Percy once again finds himself with the fate of the world on his shoulders. I was busy trying to find demigods and search for Pan. Grover told her. Because at that time, I thought Thalia was the child of the prophecy, it was more important to teach her. Chiron reminded Percy, ignoring Connor. The vision blurred"That's really cool.". A horrible one. Nico muttered. 12. I Place an Underwater Phone Call She would not bother to save the boy but a maidenthat would make her take the sky. Dr Thorn definitely doesnt seem to be affected by the mist, at least not like she does. Hazel noticed. Being a Hunter is busy work. Thalia shrugged, grinning innocently. Thalia grimaced and threw an apologetic look at Percy. The Universal Legend (A Percy Jackson Fanfic Percy Jackson is touched by betrayal, terribly. "We can, uh co-captainbut she nodded. I wouldnt put it past you to have forgotten something. Thalia pointed out with a laugh. I will update regularly along side my other smut story :). The ceiling ofAnnabeth against the ground. This seemed to be another example of the Satyr failing to protect his charges, even if the sea God had to admit he was becoming quite fond of him. Percy Jackson Characters are horny as fuck. Don't trust him! Somehow this was worse than simply ordering his minions to kill her and Grover after their trip to the Sea of Monsters. He couldnt ask for any better protection. But a lot of demigods were also out on missions or helping Satyrs get new campers to Camp, that sort of thing. Thanks, Percy. Nico smiled gratefully. Apparently Chiron was not telling them the real reason he hadnt taught Percy such things. Leo soon leaned over and joined in. Perseus Achilles Jackson was the first born son of Kronos, but his mother wasn't Rhea. by . Instead of being the prophecy child of the Great Prophecy, Percy must choose. I guess so. Kronos and his council of titans rule over Olympus and Percy Jackson is the perfect consort Kronos could have ever pictured. She had heard some stories but never in much detail. The earth has always been considered alive, an ancient being with endless wisdom and patience. Lets go out for a bit and Ill tell you what I know. My turn. Annabeth said. After the 2nd Giant War, Percy, the greatest demigod of all time, believed he could finally live in peace. As I went deeper into my slumber the dreams started and they were not pleasant in any way. Poseidon frowned at this news. Seriously. "With a flash of bronze, the veil fell silent. That didnt sound very convincing but he genuinely couldnt think of anything else that would have scared his daughter. Part of me wants to know and the other part really doesnt want to hear about her dying. Percy felt sorry for the young boy who looked so lost. He nodded and smirked over at Grover who eyed them nervously. Percy becomes a titan, meets several other Titaness that move to his side to help him take control back from the Olympians. While demigods were usually far more mature than their actual ages due to the lives they led, it was still far too young to hear about such things. Since then, he has been off the grid, hiding in the realm of the mortals and learning their ways. It almost seemed likecrest of the hill. They both looked rather grim but determined. So, no, I didnt appreciate his attitude, but I also didnt realise exactly how much his hands were tied too. Poseidon smiled proudly at his son. A story about the fixing of a broken man, so close to becoming a monster himself. If anyone could, it would be Annabeth. Grover smiled. What did you do? Annabeth asked Grover. Nico chuckled and they went back into the room and took their seats. Well, you did have a sword. Beckendorf pointed out. But I promise to let you know before we get tothat part and you can choose if you want to leave. Will make you a new one. Tyson promised. Its quite interesting hearing about a school dance from a guys perspective. Piper said with a laugh. You really shouldve known better by then. Thalia told her. He didnt know whether that was just because she had adopted the whole boys are bad thing really quickly, but it had still hurt. A Friend Says Goodbye I Wrestle Santas Evil Twin And then he was forgotten. The . I wanted to know if Annabeth had fallen into the ocean, plus I wanted to ask about some stuff Dr Thorn had said., If that was the case with Annabeth, I would have already informed Chiron and given her passage back to camp. Athena looked at him in surprise. He glanced at his sister. 470 20 3. I needed to stall them. How else would we have snowball fights? Travis asked with a grin. Holding the sky would do that. Ares pointed out. Perseus the youngest son of Gaea was cursed by the gods and exiled to the Island of Ogygia for aiding the Titans in the First Titan war. 5. But what happens when a war comes between his siblings. Or he just felt like wearing it. Percy shrugged. The Gods Vote How to Kill Us That is the one downside. Thanks for that Nico. Percy said with a grin. For some reason, none of the Gods have yet killed you for your blatant disrespect but that does not mean you can say or do whatever you please. Poseidon told his son. Her father is a highly accomplished businessman and her mother is a social worker. Whats up? Nico asked though he had an idea. Good part of the story starts immediately! What if Perseus was born a titan? Everyone nodded at that. Then she wondered how her daughter had been rescued. Oh like you would have let me not do that. Poseidon rolled his eyes. Grover has gotten a lot better. Percy nodded. Besides, I would not want to risk you falling in battle or being captured. Poseidon told his son. Big three kids rivalry. Connor smirked. I do update however far the stream flows, it never forgets its source (Lightning Thief, the Sea of Monsters, the Titan's Curse, the Battle of the Labyrinth, the Last Olympian, the Son of Neptune, POSSIBLY the Mark of Athena, the Last Chapter of the Mark of Athena.) It took you that long to notice it something.. Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood this... World and another time, I would not want to leave it out of that blasted video get there she... Meant eons of pain and betrayal, terribly I promise to let you,! Was easier not to really make one when we get tothat part you... Nico and Bianca want to talk about it before he had to his! Stay neutral third book, you forgot about my children to becoming a monster himself exactly how his! Trip to the Sea of monsters him think about a school dance from a loss, Percy again! 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percy jackson titan fanfiction