bryan's cross of gold political cartoon analysis

As he traveled by rail to Lincoln, he saw farmers and others standing by the tracks, hoping for a glimpse of the new Democratic nominee. Can you find the other strategies in his speech? (Wikipedia). [53] Tillman's speech, scheduled to be the only one in support of silver except Bryan's, was so badly received that Senator Jones, who had not planned to speak, gave a brief address asserting that silver was a national issue. The Republicans gained control of the House, as well as the Senate, which until 1913 was elected by the state legislatures rather than by the popular vote. I shall object to bringing this question down to a level of persons. [41], One of the leaders of the silver movement was Illinois Governor Altgeld; a native of Germany, he was constitutionally barred from the presidency by his foreign birth. I want to suggest this truth, that if the gold standard is a good thing we ought to declare in favor of its retention and not in favor of abandoning it; and if the gold standard is a bad thing, why should we wait until some other nations are willing to help us to let it go? [68] He denied, however that the contest was personal; he bore no ill-will towards those who supported the gold standard. [4] When silver prices rose relative to gold as a reaction to the California Gold Rush, silver coinage was worth more than face value, and rapidly flowed overseas for melting. The full text of William Jenning Bryans famous Cross of Gold speech appears below. Why, that man who used to boast that he looked like Napoleon, that man shudders today when he thinks that he was nominated on the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. Optional: Political Cartoon featuring William Jennings Bryan carrying the "Cross of Gold . [16] By 1893, his views on silver had evolved, and on the floor of the House of Representatives, he delivered a riveting three-hour address against repeal of the Silver Purchase Act. I come to speak to you in defense of a cause as holy as the cause of libertythe cause of humanity. Hamilton proposed a monetary system based on bimetallism, in which the new currency would be equal to a given amount of gold, or a larger amount of silver; at the time a given weight of gold was worth about 15 times as much as the same amount of silver. I deny it. Despite vocal opposition led by Tennessee Representative (and future president) Andrew Johnson, the precious metal content of smaller silver coins was reduced in 1853. madonna album sales worldwide soldiers and sailors memorial auditorium events jeffrey disick death brightness of a colour crossword clue 4 letters nba 2k22 lakers all time roster [40], The only gold man who put together any sort of campaign for the Democratic nomination was Treasury Secretary John G. Carlisle, but he withdrew in April, stating that he was more concerned about the platform of the party than who would lead it. He was defeated in the general election by the Republican candidate, former Ohio governor William McKinley . On the 4th of March, 1895, a few Democrats, most of them members of Congress, issued an address to the Democrats of the nation asserting that the money question was the paramount issue of the hour; asserting also the right of a majority of the Democratic Party to control the position of the party on this paramount issue; concluding with the request that all believers in free coinage of silver in the Democratic Party should organize and take charge of and control the policy of the Democratic Party., United States National Recording Registry recordings, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Pages using infobox event with unknown parameters, Pages using infobox event with blank parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Bryan nominated for president by the Democrats, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 05:01. People who were free-silver thought that currency reform would end them. Cleveland issued a statement urging Democratic voters to support goldthe next convention to be held, in Illinois, unanimously supported silver; the keynote speaker prayed for divine forgiveness for Cleveland's 1892 nomination. There are those who believe that, if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. Gold and silver factions in some states, such as Bryan's Nebraska, sent rival delegations to the convention. Sources. [81] Newspaper accounts of the convention leave little doubt but that, had a vote been taken at that moment (as many were shouting to do), Bryan would have been nominated. [71] The police in the convention hall, not sharing the enthusiasm for silver, were described by the press (some of whose members were caught up in the frenzy) as standing as if they thought the audience was about to turn on them. The audio portion is an excerpt. He says that mankind won't be crucified on a cross of gold. There were a large number of potential candidates seen as having less support; these included Vice President Adlai Stevenson of Illinois, Senator Joseph C. Blackburn of Kentucky, Senator Teller, and Bryan.[43]. For twenty years, Americans had been bitterly divided over the nation's monetary standard. Both men spoke to hundreds of thousands of people from their chosen venues. The Republican Party platform for the election, formulated at its convention in St. Louis in June, declared, We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our currency. When the Democrats gathered a few weeks later, their platform called for the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold. In an eloquent plea for the coinage of silver and an attack on the thesis that gold was the only sound backing for currency, Bryan closed with the peroration, you shall not press down on the brow of labor this crown of thorns. A. W.J. doubt, because there is scarcely a State here today asking for the gold standard which is not in the absolute control of the Republican party. [50], "Pitchfork Ben" Tillman lived up to his nickname with an incendiary address which began with a reference to his home state's role in beginning the Civil War. 0063664 Add to Lightbox File Size: 2506 x 3240 px @300dpi Image Source Credit: GRANGER. Latuff here in this cartoon is showing the uncaring of the president to the country. The man who is employed for wages is as much a business man as his employer; the attorney in a country town is as much a business man as the corporation counsel in a great metropolis; the merchant at the cross-roads store is as much a business man as the merchant of New York; the farmer who goes forth in the morning and toils all day, who begins in spring and toils all summer, and who by the application of brain and muscle to the natural resources of the country creates wealth, is as much a business man as the man who goes upon the Board of Trade and bets upon the price of grain; the miners who go down a thousand feet into the earth, or climb two thousand feet upon the cliffs, and bring forth from their hiding places the precious metals to be poured into the channels of trade are as much business men as the few financial magnates who, in a back room, corner the money of the world. Much activity took place in advance of the formal opening as the silver and (vastly outnumbered) gold forces prepared their strategies. 7.5 x 4.75 in. [72] When Bryan resumed, his comparison of miner with miser again electrified the audience; the uproar prevented him from continuing for several minutes. [6], 8, [4] pages, wraps. Bryan, once seated, was Nebraska's representative to the Committee on Resolutions (generally called the "platform committee"), which allocated 80minutes to each side in the debate and selected Bryan as one of the speakers. Jones deemed the Democrats likely to nominate a candidate who would appeal to the Populist Party, and Bryan had been elected to Congress with Populist support. One of the first candidates to appear widely on his own behalf, he was the original whistle-stop campaigner. The late 19th century saw divergent views in economics as the laissez-faire orthodoxy was questioned by younger economists, and both sides found ample support for their views from theorists. The gentleman from Wisconsin has said he fears a Robespierre. If the gold standard is a good thing, why try to get rid of it? We are fighting in the defense of our homes, our families, and posterity. If they say bimetallism is good, but that we cannot have it until other nations help us, we reply that, instead of having a gold standard because England has, we will restore bimetallism, and then let England have bimetallism because the United States has it. The President's move was opposed by the Democratic Governor of Illinois, John Altgeld. [99], Bryan's speech is considered one of the most powerful political addresses in American history. The silver campaign of 1896 was a big controversy among the people. The image that is selected for the analysis is from the pre-1856 epoch of US history, and it represents the imagination of the political and social life as it was imagined by artists. His opponent, William Jennings Bryan (who Littlefield suggested was represented by the cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz) was famous for his "Cross of Gold" speech. "[89] The New York Times disparaged Bryan as "the gifted blatherskite from Nebraska". [57] Bryan then defended the right of silver supporters to make their argument against opposition from gold men, who were associated with financial interests, especially in the East. [7] This would inflate the money supply, and, adherents argued, increase the nation's prosperity. So if they come to meet us on that, we can present the history of our nation. [100] Stanley Jones, however, suggested that even if Bryan had never delivered it, he would still have been nominated. [90] The only paper to predict, after Bryan gave his speech, that he would not be nominated was The Wall Street Journal, which stated, "Bryan has had his day". This takeover was considered far more important than was the choice of presidential candidate, and the committee decided to take no position on who should win the race for the nomination, reasoning that the victor, no matter who he was, would be a silver man. [98], After McKinley's inauguration in March 1897, increases in gold availability from new discoveries and improved refining methods led to a considerable increase in the money supply. His sympathetic comparison contrasted the hardworking farmer with the city businessman, whom Bryan cast as a gambler. The next day the convention nominated Bryan for President on the fifth ballot. Bryan consented, on condition that his own time was extended by the same amount; this was agreed to. William Jennings Bryan, gifted orator and three-time presidential candidate was born on March 19, 1860, in Salem, Illinois. This was not the case; Bryan was well known as an orator on the tariff and silver questions. If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uttermost. You come to us and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard. The income tax was not unconstitutional when it was passed. In the late 1800's a populist movement was happening and people were starting to take notice. These cartoons are grouped by the general sentiment they represent about William Jennings Bryan, his political campaigns, and his ambitions. This handout is a great resource for helping students analyze this key political cartoon from the Populist Movement and the Election of 1896 featuring William Jennings Bryan and the "Cross of Gold" speech. Some of the impoverished died of disease or starvation; others killed themselves.[15]. Introduction: -attractions of a political cartoon ii. Delegates threw hats, coats, and handkerchiefs into the air. Senators, Bryan rose to speak. What we oppose in that plank is the life tenure that is being built up in Washington which establishes an office-holding class and excludes from participation in the benefits the humbler members of our society. They manufactured that leader in the convention, a fabrication in which Bryan was only too happy to assist.[108]. [20], Bryan had long planned to run for president. (The cartoon appeared in the post-dated July 7 issue of Harper's Weekly, published in late June.) Therefore, we care not upon what lines the battle is fought. Albert Shaw, editor of The Review of Reviews, stated that after Bryan's nomination, many easterners professed not to have heard of him but: "If, indeed, they had not heard of Mr. Bryan before, they had failed to follow closely the course of American politics in the past eight years. How is it today? These were the only two candidates to put together organizations to try to secure delegate votes, though both efforts were cash-starved. American cartoon by Grant Hamilton, 1896, on William Jennings Bryan's 'Cross of Gold' speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which won Bryan the presidential nomination. [79] As he moved towards his seat, the Coliseum burst into pandemonium. The individual is but an atom; he is born, he acts, he dies; but principles are eternal, and this has been a contest over a principle. i. [101] According to rhetorical historian William Harpine in his study of the rhetoric of the 1896 campaign, "Bryan's speech cast a net for the true believers, but only for the true believers. As Hill moved to the podium, a reporter friend passed Bryan a note urging him to make a patriotic speech without hint of sectionalism; Bryan responded, "You will not be disappointed. [31], Many state conventions elected delegates pledged to support bimetallism in the party platform. My God! [82] The convention passed the platform in Bryan's absence and recessed. German-born political cartoonist Thomas Nast gave America some of its most enduring symbols: the Republican elephant, the Democratic donkey, and Uncle Sam. But note the change. It showed American support for european economic interests in East Africa. In 1896 William Jennings Bryan gave possibly his most famous speech, " The Cross of Gold" Speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. Born Mark Elliot Zuckerberg May 14, 1984 (age 38) White Plains, New York, U.S. Education: Harvard University (dropped out) Occupations: Internet entrepreneur, philanthropist. The merchant at the crossroads store is as much a businessman as the merchant of New York. Question 9 30 seconds Q. Mr. McKinley was nominated at St. Louis upon a platform which declared for the maintenance of the gold standard until it can be changed into bimetallism by international agreement. Circulars were being distributed in Illinois, and admirers in Nebraska, North Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and other states were urging his selection among their friends. For one thing, he began the 1896 convention without any official statusthe Democratic National Committee, which made the initial determination of which delegations would be seated, had chosen the pro-gold Nebraskans to represent their state. Publishing regularly in Harper's Weekly . We do not come as individuals. But in this contest, brother has been arrayed against brother, and father against son. William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" oration was primarily an expression of his (A) fundamentalist religious beliefs (B) neutral stance toward the belligerents of the First World War (C) advocacy of free and unlimited coinage of silver (D) opposition to teaching the theory of evolution in public schools (E) anti-imperialist convictions [54] He was followed by two other gold men, Senator William Vilas of Wisconsin and former Massachusetts Governor William E. Russell. Although Bryan ran again on a silver platform in the 1900 presidential election, the issue failed to produce the same resonance with the voters. We are prepared to meet them on either issue or on both. He cared about politics and his religion equally. They can find where the holders of fixed investments have. Conditions have arisen and we are attempting to meet those conditions. The money went for speakers, pamphlets, and other means of conveying their "sound money" campaign to the voter. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them. The silver campaign of 1896 was a big controversy among the people. This paper presents a formal analysis of political cartoons using methods from classical semiotics, semiotic morphisms, and in particular the study of blends. Advocates of the gold standard attributed the decline to advances in production and transportation. We beg no longer; we entreat no more; we petition no more. [32], The 1896 Democratic convention opened at the Chicago Coliseum on July 7, 1896. . If you want criticisms, read the dissenting opinions of the Court. Nevertheless, Senator John W. Daniel of Virginia was by an overwhelming vote elected temporary chairman, and a Committee on Credentials was appointed that seated Bryan and his contesting Nebraska delegation.[47]. Let me assure him that not one person in all this convention entertains the least hostility to the people of the state of Massachusetts. "[24], In the aftermath of the 1894 election, the silver forces, led by Altgeld and others, began an attempt to take over the machinery of the Democratic Party. You come to us and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard; we reply that the great cities rest upon our broad and fertile prairies. My friends, we have made no criticism. [27] The leader of those who left was Colorado Senator Henry M. Teller; he was immediately spoken of as a possible candidate for the Democratic nomination. Ah. He was nominated two more times as the Democratic presidential nominee, but he lost again to McKinley in 1900 and to Republican candidate William H. Taft (1857-1930) in 1908. Railway employees had refused to handle Pullman cars in sympathy with the strikers; this action threatened to paralyze the nation's rail lines. Silver advocates argued that this dropoff, which caused the price of grain to fall below its cost of production, was caused by the failure of the government to adequately increase the money supply, which had remained steady on a per capita basis. Bryan wanted the United States to use silver to back . He did for Rome what Jackson did when he destroyed the bank conspiracy and saved America. On the fifth ballot, the Illinois delegation, led by Governor Altgeld, switched its votes from Bland to Bryan. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it. [88] The St. Louis Post-Dispatch opined that with the speech, Bryan "just about immortalized himself". Why, as individuals we might have been glad to compliment the gentleman from New York [Senator Hill], but we knew that the people for whom we speak would never be willing to put him in a position where he could thwart the will of the Democratic Party. One farmer in the gallery had been about to leave rather than listen to Bryan, whom he deemed a Populist; he had been persuaded to stay. ; D. The Democratic Party understood the economy from the point of view of workers and farmers. It is the issue of 1776 over again. Such bills, sponsored by Bland, passed the House of Representatives in 1876 and 1877, but both times failed in the Senate. The gentleman who just preceded me [Governor Russell] spoke of the old state of Massachusetts. Forward-Looking Statements Except for historical information, this presentation may contain certain "forward-looking statements". [45] The DNC's action could be reversed, but not until the convention's credentials committee reported. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. Image No. [7], The Coinage Act of 1873 eliminated the standard silver dollar. We believe it. Vilas gave a lengthy defense of the Cleveland administration's policies, so long that Russell, fearing that Vilas' speech would cut into his time, asked that the time given to the gold proponents be extended by ten minutes. Source: Official Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention Held in Chicago, Illinois, July 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, 1896, (Logansport, Indiana, 1896), 226234. That is the question that the party must answer first; and then it must be answered by each individual hereafter. They tell us that this platform was made to catch votes. He had already begun work on a speech. [27] However, part of his strategy was to remain inconspicuous until the last possible moment at the convention. [63], I would be presumptuous, indeed, to present myself against the distinguished gentlemen to whom you have listened if this were a mere measuring of abilities; but this is not a contest between persons. Other delegations, seeing that Bryan would be nominated, also switched, securing the victory. Cross of Gold speech, classic of American political oratory delivered on July 8, 1896, by William Jennings Bryan in closing the debate on the party platform at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago during the campaign for the presidential election of 1896. The "Cross Of Gold" speech was a speech by William which helped propel the convention to nominate him as a Democratic presidential candidate. Mr. Jefferson, who was once regarded as good Democratic authority, seems to have a different opinion from the gentleman who has addressed us on the part of the minority. [83], The balloting began the following morning, July 10, with a two-thirds vote necessary to nominate. ( July 8, 1896 ), classic of American political oratory delivered by William Jennings Bryan ( Bryan, William Jennings) in closing the debate on the party platform at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1896. [17] In his conclusion, Bryan reached back in history: When a crisis like the present arose and the national bank of his day sought to control the politics of the nation, God raised up an Andrew Jackson, who had the courage to grapple with that great enemy, and by overthrowing it, he made himself the idol of the people and reinstated the Democratic party in public confidence. "And I needed it for the speech I was to make." [64], Bryan's opening claimed no personal prestige for himselfbut nevertheless placed him as the spokesman for silver. Governmental response to this shortage was hampered by the fact that officials did not clearly understand what had happened. I am in favor of an income tax. Original size at 383 480. [52] Although Tillman endorsed silver, his address was so laced with sectionalism that most silver delegates remained silent for fear of being seen as supporting him. "[56], As Russell concluded, to strong applause from gold delegates,[57] there was a buzz of anticipation as Bryan ascended to the podium. We reply to them that changing conditions make new issues; that the principles upon which rest Democracy are as everlasting as the hills; but that they must be applied to new conditions as they arise. He cared about politics and his religion equally. The Cross of Gold was a speech given by William Jennings Bryan at the Democratic National Convention in 1896 which advocated for bimetallism, or the use of both gold and silver in funding the currency. Blatherskite from Nebraska '' Bryan would be nominated, also switched, securing the victory both silver gold! Silver and gold meet those conditions years, Americans had been bitterly divided over the nation rail. 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The Dark At The Top Of The Stairs Female Monologue, Articles B

bryan's cross of gold political cartoon analysis