nickel allergy vaping

So I experimented with many others. Im a real bitch without my nicotine fix. Was vaping a 60pg:40vg 5mg juice. There is no open study done as of yet to really determine what the health issues are of vapping. I dont know how much longer I can take it. Most of these issues people are mentioning, dont really sound all that Vape related to me, something else mudt be going on, or maybe its all judt the power of suggestion. I dont wish to smoke again. I dont have nicotine in my juice either. so have now stopped using e cigs altogether I also use pure VG (even some labelled 100% VG are in fact as much as 20% PG, the excuse given is that VG clogs up the burner and this mix is required to prevent the equipment from fouling up. Has anyone got any alternative suggestions, other than will power??? Ive been smoking and Ecig for 6 months now. Nickel allergies take all the fun out of jewelry shopping. 5. American Academy of Dermatology. Junk juice is cheap and tasty but can make you sick. Never tried again. I have no reaction on my mouth, throut, or face like others and posted most. Thank you all for your posts. Thanks for this! I seriously just zone out because of all pain my body is in.. Best of luck to you hope you feel better soon. Is there anybody out there that has had these symptoms? I overheat 24/7 now. The symptoms of nickel allergy can be mild, or severe enough to be disabling. I didnt realise the connection for a long time, but in the two years that followed: I developed cold sores for the first time in my life. p.s. Another point that some people often raise is that the stainless steel used in vaping coils often contains alloys other than the steel. I was vaping in the end mostly 28mg/ml nicotine juices, 70/30 vg/pg. I went to the doctor 2x first for blood tests to see what was causing the difficulty breathing (like severe dry lungs), to this feeling like I cant swallow. I was doing light therapy and on all kinds of topical steroids. Also the longer it goes untreated the more painful it becomes!! I had exactly the same problem. A very small proportion of the nickel-allergic population are hyper-sensitive. So I am pulling everything up I can on this. I can take a long soak in a bed of poison ivy and be perfectly fine. If I dont scratch it, it reduces but I still know its there. Explore lung, breathing and allergy disorders, treatments, tests . In my case, I had some itch spots on my forearms, but they vanished quickly after I stopped vaping. Breakouts are less, but just end up using more liquid in a few days and back to normal, maybe something to do with the absorption of e-cigs. I still would recommend them at least to help wean off of the regular cigarettes. Thanks for reading. When you quit smoking, you will have both physical and mental withdrawals. I have changed my diet too, but these symptoms persist.All my medical tests and scans have came back clear, so it only leaves one thing to stop and that is vaping I am of the opinion that vaping is without a doubt the cause of my health problems, but I am finding very difficult to STOP. I also have read of people with nickel allergy can use nickel to vape with. Anyways here is my problem with the attack on PG. Titanium razor blades are nickel-free. I have tried every style of vaping there is on the market and different blends of juice as well from diy to all the big vaping brands, but still have the same symptoms. Started thinking about it and happened on this site and what do you know? Because its unregulated, these bargain basement mixologists can put whatever they want in our liquids, including liquid heroin, for all we know. 9th ed. Could not seem to get the docs to even consider PG. Im now considering upgrading, yet I know with that comes more vapor consumption, which comes with more nic. My body felt totally poisoned. !people where i work smoke it inside workplace and i noticed even non-vapers have the same symptoms so i started a daily routine witch seem to help a lot: I wash my face and inside of nose/ears with water few times a day and put hydrating creme before going to bed and before leaving for work in the morning!! I hope it was the PG, as I have not smoked an analog cig since I started vaping. You notice that you start to feel nauseous when you are handling the e juice and it gets on ur fingers? To stop smoking again so started e cigs again and with in two days worst itching and staining pain in the ears I no its the cause !!! What brand? I still say this is a much betbetter experiece than going to the ER thinking that Im dying from the stupid gum and patches. It was mainly on my face at 1st, but spread to my ears, neck and chest. But I can attest that after several months of no e-cigs, Im back to my normal allergy problems. I am now on oxygen and have copd. Bit confused whether the react in is nicotine overdose or allergy to componant in the juice tho . I looked all over the Internet and found only the opposite explanations. We touch our face? My head is clearing up and the elephant that has been living on my chest isnt so bad today. Soo know I Quit vapping the Symtom slowly gone and i feeling better. Hoping these effects go away. It hurt to the extent where I had to go to the ER, and am now on heavy pain killers. Where do people think they come from in bulk? Been to an allergist and doc and no reasons to feel this way so it has to be the egics. I have just started to get this dry itchy sensation around my lip upper as well as lower. Certain factors may increase your risk of developing nickel allergy, including: Working with metal. I just wish my body wasnt overheating and causing me to lose sleep. I love vaping but am stopping now after reading about many other vapers with same problems. Bad taste and foul breath have returned and I sometimes cough up mucus and stuff that looks like tonsil stones. After 1 month all my symptoms were gone. Not the pg or vg. I scratched so much they bled. The burning disappears in my throat disappears when I stop vaping, but my gums remain sore. I feel better today. I have been vaporing for 5 months with l00% success. I stopped smoking for 13 years (and started again 15 years ago) and remember the symptoms well. Home test kits are available to check for nickel in metal items. Nickel allergy. When I vape too much;my whole face swells. Ive been to so many doctors its embarrassing.. plenty of ct scans, mris, ENT visits along with 3 different neurologists who have only come up with a diagnosis of new-daily-persistent-headache (no shit). Any idea of what the reaction could be? I have never felt better in over 14 months of hell trying to figure out what the hell was going on with my body.Just quit vaping- please!I dont want anyone else to go through what i went through.Analog cigs never did that to me. Neck,face and chest. I have tried both PG and VG and the reactions Im experiencing are phlem in the back of my throat, red itchy skin rash and severe wind in my stomach. I took it for a month and have had no problems for the last 4 months, except some occasional overproduction of mucus in the throat when I vale non stop. I quit cigarettes in December and have been vaping since then. I have no idea if the vaping affected the clotting issue but I do wonder if the skin and scalp problems are, in fact, the cause of my horrible skin problems. Havent had a real cig since. No doctor ever told me my symptoms are caused by liquid vapor. Could be since i have had a reaction to factory coolant, after heavy contact. Anyway, tonsil stones have disappeared (duh, they had to without there being tonsils) but the ucky stuff just seems to build up deeper in my throat now. Has this happen to anyone else from using the battery recharge cigg? I quit cigs for 2 years after smoking for 20+. studky02 8 yr. ago. Have you seen any cigarettes that strong? I know I didnt do anything to injure. Been vaping 3 years. I switched to a mod with an r.d.a. Anyone else have this problem. Liquid: 70vg/30pg (per what the store claims Going on over a week now, I started with sores in my mouth (feels like a mouth full of gravel)..and for the last 3-4 days my lips have been swollen/sore/burn (name it)!! a huge glass bottle plus the throw in a test Im wondering if they are being caused by the liquid. Its still too early to tell if its helping my other symptoms. Really????!!! I have since developed a red rash, different to my arm bit this time all over the top of my chest and forehead. My chest is completely clear and I had no withdrawal symptoms. Thanks. I hope to have more information after. I ALSO FIND IT INTERESTING THAT I HAVE CAUGHT A LOT OF THESE COMMENTS USING QUESTIONABLE PHRASEOLOGY. It started with an unusual breakout on my right upper chest that was gradually moving over to the left chest. I was about to book an appointment with the laserderm clinic, but now am thinking my condition may be related to vaping after reading other comments on this thread. Ran out of ciggs and smoked a ecig for about 2 days sporadically. Taken me 6 months to work out what was wrong with me after lots of hospital visits. I wasnt eating anything unusual but I notices the bar tender and 3 patrons vaping. I have been vaping for almost a year now. vaping with nickel dangerous ?? If you work in an occupation that constantly exposes you to nickel, your risk of developing an allergy may be higher than it is for someone who doesn't work with the metal. Marijuana vaping has also increased dramatically among teens. You should definitely stop using e-cigs for a while, to see if your condition improves, and if youre not ready to give up on them yet, maybe try a different model and another e-liquid. I will try e-cigs with vegetable glycerin instead of Propylene Glycol and see if it will be any different. You see the companies behind vaping make more profit if they do not provide a users manual. Switch from propylene glycol to vegetable glycerin, lower the nicotine content, change e-liquid brand, do whatever it takes and youre bound to find what works for you at some point, but going back to smoking tobacco is the worst thing you can do. More abscesses on my rear and itching scalp Never suffered these symptoms before, more antibiotics from doc Blood test Thurs then I will update you all Has anyone else had these problems? Ive been using them a year been in out of hospital with ear pain large painfull spots all over and inside ears which spread to my face every antibiotic they could prescribe headaches that last weeks!!! The doc (not knowing the cause) told me to take one every day for a month to see if it clears up and it did but Id rather not have to be taking meds every day! Most of these metal hypersensitivity (MHS) reactions are type IV/delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. oh p.s. The constant ringing is annoying and i hope it one day goes away. I didnt start getting allergic reactions to ecig liquids. You play you pay. I use an Itaste 3.3vv E-cig and Tsunami 24mg tobacco flavor E-juice. I have just ordered 20/80 Pg/VG, and am hoping its the PG causing this, because I thoroughly enjoy vaping. dont wanna go back to the real junk!!! DISCLAIMER: All electronic cigarette reviews featured on are based on our personal views and experiences with the tested devices. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2012 - 2020 Vape Ranks - All rights reserved. I started vaping since last November and in a few weeks I found that I had breathing problem and it was so severe that I could not sleep. I didnt touch it and now i just tried again and I already have the feeling back. hope the hives go away now. Accessed April 30, 2021. Skin is comming back as normal. I really think its the cheap china liquid. I know he hasnt mentioned to the doctor that he uses an e-cig, and I am concerned that this could be causing the problems he is experiencing. And smoking VG doesnt make it any better. Thats what I thought, but I've never had a nickel allergy before, and apparently the old CE4's were nickel based coils, and I was fine with them, I have a fever too so I think I have a infection. Vaping can cause allergies or asthma, but adjusting the vaping method or flavor may help prevent symptoms such as sore throat and lower the potential risks. I am hoping that someone with the same condition as me had found a brand / e-juice mix that can completely get rid of the mucus and breathing problem. Im bookmarking this page to come back and read more comments. Good luck all of you in quitting!! flavor. Then it progressed to my head pulling completely 90 degree. Be sure that your earring backings also are made of hypoallergenic materials. Very itchy skin all over even in my scalp. * WHAT STYLE YOU VAPED (STARTER, SUB OHM, DRIPPING. I never had rashes or most other reactions Ive read but the symptoms I do have largely went away the day I went without vaping. Just using 12mg nicotine. I purchase my juice from a variety of sources. I actually do feel stupid. please share how long it took for your symptoms to subside! Insane! Ive tried every VG/PG ratio, 100% VG, zero nicotine, flavorless, you name it Although I really do enjoy it, I am going to have to quit. Check to see if you may have an allergy to one of the components of the e-cigarette or vaping liquids. I think most people are vaping much more than they realize. Why? The feeling is just like my whole body and blood have been severely poisoned and Im dying. New posts. Also, we need to remember that liquid nicotine is POISON. the day after I started I woke up with red splotches and canker sores on the sides of my tongue. For several consecutive nights I only got very little sleep. From hives I have severe swelling in the face my eyes lips and cheeks. If youre going through the 10ml bottle in three days, then your nicotine intake is very high. 4770 Buford Highway. Now reading this I am convinced it is the e-cig. Feel free to email me with any questions. Hi Jan, I quit smoking in Feb of 2012 and switched to ecigs. Feels like burning itchy prickly like fiberglass in skin. I accused my cat of causing the trouble! I dream of miracle doctors that solve my headache problem .. Either that or the same person is typing over half of these entries. The lower photo shows nickel allergy from metal in clothing . Family doctor had several test ran but all normal. All I have been smoking or the e cigs and now after several months I have the same thing with my tongue these bumps and canker sores I guess you call them all over the back of my tongue that are very painful and their large I never had these before until I started smoking for several months the ecig not the flavor ones that you have to pour juice in but the regular ecigs the blues but the mental ones I guess Im going to quit and see if they go away because they are extremely painful let me know how yours works if you quit, I av been suffering these same symptoms from vaporizing ..really itchy skin and white raised lumps I av been taking antiestamins which works an hour or so later .. never suffered with anything in 31 years but now not the case and only van put it down to the ecig a I am using .. how this helps someone in the future as I will be stopping vaping. Has anyone found that vaping has caused candidiasis and seborreic dermatitis on their face? I get the Lip skin blisters every time I try a Tank system, Pro-Tanks, Vivi Nova, Aspire If I keep using them I get sore throat, chapped lip puffy eyes, cheeks, rough tongue, loss of taste.. Its a allergic reaction to the Chrome and Nickel used in chrome plating the Tank systems. Your email address will not be published. PG can mess you up. I understood smoking and its issues after a comfortable 40 yrs but with vaporing I am less comfortable and await the results from the scientists laboratories with baited breath. Give up the e-cigs and find out. Seems to be same post over and over in this thread. gotten Veg.Glycol but a bit of PG is in most so my next step is allergy specialist. Now this could all be co-incidence but Ive had these symptoms since I began vaping 7 months ago and they have practically disapeared when I stopped vaping for less than 24 hours, its a no-brainer as far as Im concerned and shall never vape again (even though I shall miss it loads!!). I had very bad eye allergy from p.g. Tips, Tricks & Troubleshooting. And also the jaw/cheeks feel stiff. I am stopping immediately. All these issues on e-cigarettes need addressing urgently. It can pull double duty and be used for straight wattage vaping or temp control vaping. . I think I may have to quit vaping alltogether because this aint fun anymore. I vape zero nic.also the minute I stay vapingi get a runny nose. My immune system went completely out of whack and man where i was headed if I kept this up was not pretty. Not a problem until I got home and ordered some crap from 3 canadian companies! Forums. I know Iam after quitting vaping. Is there something in vaping that makes everyone have horrible punctuation and grammar? GOOD LUCk!!!!!!! I have been vaping on and off for a few yearsthats when my pain started. I was so sick vaping that i knew that something wasnt right.listen to your body and quit denying it like I did. I am going to stop vaping for a week to see if the symptoms decrease and will report back in 7 days with my findings. Ive gone to the dermatologist and he has no idea. My eyes are hurting/itching and really really dry. Its our ecig vapourizing the eliquid that is changing the chemical components. Make sure theyre quality liquids from American vendors who only use quality, American ingredients. Do people even realize that ANYONE can slap a label on this stuff, lie about whats in it and sell it out of their black mold infested basement? People are screaming about it and no one wants to try to put the pieces together to see if a common denominator can be found. Interesting comments.. Have you done the maths to correlate amount of e liquid vaping per day compared to the nicotine intake from tobacco cigarettes? Same problem big style. The rash feels tender to the touch or leaks fluid. I also developed some sort of hives on the inside of my forearms. I felt so much better. I have been vaping now for 5 weeks last weekend was a red flushed face after showing, a few days later I had red patches on both sides of my neck which travelled down to chest (whole chest red/flushed above nipples) and now the back of my neck / back of shoulders. The craziest bit is when I started getting a swollen lip, it was not itchy like the blotches, It started on one little part of the side of my upper lip and slowly inflamed my whole mouth and some of my cheeks. Dont want to go back to smoking as e-cigs have helped me quit after a lifetime of tobacco use. After 3 days skin itch diminished by 80% and after 7 days wow! Ive tried juice from 2 different suppliers. A feeling of something beeing extremely wrong. I went back to smoking when batteries went dead. I HAVE READ EVERY SINGLE COMMENT ON THIS THREAD SO FAR. Dry mouth. I stopped e cigs and feeling better. A lot of people have it but ignore it. My customers with nickel allergies (even severe) wear my jewelry with no problems at all! Start again, even just a little, even with no nicotine, and lesions are back. Liquid nicotine is poisonous. Fingers crossed that the VG works, super paranoid about flaring up but at least I know the warning signs for round 2. Quit for real or smoke the real cigs. BS YOU WOULDNT SMOKE VG FOR ONE DAY NOBODY KNOWS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VG AND PG BEING A NEWBIE VAPER Dammit. And the ironic thingis that I was so convinced this could be explained because it could be Q-fever fatigue (and my doc agreed!). Been vaping for months, i drip also, and wham, Im Itchy all over, only antihistamines help at all. And now I do not know what to do anymore.I quit smoking ecigs and hope I will get better. I have the same symtoms. Would love to hear from anyone thats dealing with this debilitating sh*t. SRose, Hope you feel better soon. I have it all also hives nothing test right no drink food nothing mild chest rash. Also, at the same time my hair started to get very oily just one day after shampoo .. looked like I bathed in baby oil! At first I used pg based juices with no noticeable side effects but a few weeks ago started to experience chest tightness and pain, which definitely was linked to the ecigs. I intend to give it one more go with an i clear 2. if symptoms persist i am preparing my mind to stop everything, at least that was my initial aim of switchig. I found it interesting that so many people went through so many similar experiences. 10 days now without using this staff and I feel great day, My nose has started to itch as well. I used to smoke more than a pack a day and since day one i had my itaste e-cig i haven`t touched a real cig !! After oral nickel challenge flares up of eczema and/or nickel patch test. Way too many sick people. I have also been to a dermatologist and he says eczema, I never have it normally though. I Stopped smoking cigarettes 2014 September 2nd .3 weeks later, hacking up clear salty tasting phlegm canker sore and difficulty in breathing!Day one without ecigs breathing much better,almost no phlegm .Im done with ecigs. By June 1 I was using e cigarettes just to help. They found a significantly higher level of these metals in the vapour than in the eliquid, and concluded that something inside the vaping devices was leaching metal into the eliquid either while . *NONE OF YOU ARE POSTING A COMPLETE LIST OF: *EXACTLY WHAT MODEL YOU USE What does a nickel allergy rash look like? My issues are excess sleep, muscle stiffness that is noticeably intense in quads and calves, and other small things. The Symtom slowly gone and i hope it was mainly on my face at 1st, they. Few yearsthats when my pain started the Symtom slowly gone and i better. Allergist and doc and no reasons to feel nauseous when you quit smoking in Feb 2012. 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nickel allergy vaping