bob jones prophet first wife

We saved a place for you to receive our weekly newsletter. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. I write mainly, not to express myself, but to encourage and bless people through writing. The first was Bob Jones on February 14, 2014. on Jan. 19, 2006, but as of March 2006, Paulks television program was still broadcast on Trinity Broadcasting Network. Every sign and wonder thats ever been will be many times in the last days.They themselves; will be that generation thats raised up to put death itself underneath their feet and to glorify Christ in every way. Bob Jones, I must now say, in light of all of the over emphasized, untested signs, just assuming theyre from God, that Bob disqualified himself years ago, never submitting to correction, from the very beginning, even before he met Mike Bickle. I said, Oh, Lord, help us! (F88, p.11). And the Lord was tellin me what they were doin. This white horse is to bring to pass the former moves of God that took place overtime. I didnt haveever any trouble seem the devil!When theyd take over me, Id go completely wackyjust lookin for trouble. The office I humbly have been annoitied for is a Prophet my territory is the "USA" I'm so excited and so young full of Hope and deeply honored to know Jesus and honor his great . I was inside I didnt have my wires grounded in the basement down there, and I grabbed ahold of the refrigerator, and lightning hit the wires outside, and a great blue flame came in. So we realize that; so whats our reaction to that? The Lost Books Of The Bible: Should We Accept Or Reject? Mike Bickle is not anymore reassuring:Now, obviously, probably about 80% of whats in the Body of Christ thats called prophecy is fleshiness. He actually left St. Louis and started the church in Kansas City, solely in response to a prophetic word, from defrocked prophet Augustine Acula. 2040s will reveal the kingdom of God. was the nephew of this church member. your children will be moving into the ministries of Perfection . In the early 80's God said He was going to change the Soviet Union. Though sympathetic to Kuhlman as a person, Nolen was unable to document even one case of physical healing. The tape was an Oral Roberts sermon I came up off the sofa, shouting, IM HEALED! My wife leaped out of her chair and shouted, Hallelujah! For the next 30 minutes all we did was walk around the house shouting thanks to God and proclaiming my healing (Jamie Buckingham, My Summer of Miracles,. magazine said: About a year later, after the church had become affiliated with John Wimbers Vineyard network of churches, Jones admitted to a moral failure and was removed from his leadership position. This is all Latter Rain flattery to pump up the churches self esteem which is better identified as dominionism. Naturally I rejected the prophesy as being false & was in turn rejected by them for being false. The trail of the Latter Rain continues to unfold, even though it was rejected in the late 40s, its acceptance today is by those who are unfamiliar with its past. Whatever is communicating to Jones has some hair raising tails to tell. what did it look like? Jones- It looked like gold and it looked like light and it was a light not like the light you see here which is artificial, he responded, adding that the light, the glory of the Lord, frightened him. got so depressed because young ones were dying. I say naaaay to this story, we have yet to see a talking horse in Scripture but we have see a donkey speak rebuke to its rider, Balaam who was the prophet for hire. GODMEN, plural! I popped a videotape into my VCR and lay down on the sofa. . I only saw til 2060 and the church was still here and it wasnt defeated by any means. According to Bob, God revealed to him, in a vision, that revival would come when the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl. With the proud prophetic promise of revival promoted, promulgated, and proclaimed across the charismatic stage, with the Chiefs Superbowl win, this is a good time to dismantle more prophetic deception! Jones relates his concern about the rise of abortion and homosexuality, and a conversation he had with a devil: He told me the next time that I prophesied and told anybody about it,he would kill me. THE GOLDEN EARRING BOB JONES: "This 7He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devils trap. 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Bobs spurious history began early, with three discrepant ages reported, by himself and his web site. I watched one interview on TV where the translator was trying to salvage what appeared to be the ramblings of a man that was not coherent in his speech and had to reinterpret nearly everything said. He then explains how there was a large black woman in line with a 100 angels surrounding her and he asked the faceless man, calling him Lord what it was about, he explains how she did great things for her people with the help of the angels. Blinded by a refusal to judge anything, esp. The 1950s reveal the power of God. He then speaks of the day Aug. 8, 1975- the same story quoted above, but it is told a bit differently, minus some important details he shared in 1988. He said that he had heard the audible voice of the Lord about my life. . This false prophet can only gain access into the lives of those who are already deluded by their rejection of the LORD and His holy truth (2 Thess. you may not believe this, but its true, where. You cursed them. They wont do anything to him. Youre going to be here the rest of your life anyway. . Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Bob Jones. None of these are recorded in Scripture but they do manifest themselves among those in the New Age/ Occult. I have stated to anyone who has asked me about it for many months that IT IS A CULT. Sometimes more, sometimes three or four I remember one time in 1984, Bob came to me and he said, Boy, I dont know what is wrongam I in sin, can you see anything? I said, No He said, Boy, the Lords cut me off. He said, quote, unquote, The Lord just shut the whole thing down. I said, What are you talking about? He said, He just shut the whole thing down. He said, I havent had visions in two nights! Two nights! The demon speaking to him in the hospital, Everybody has just mistreated you all your life. 4He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full[a]respect. Not to be concerned, the more practice they have inside the church the better they will get at it. All rights reserved. We ask You to mature it. We dont take it as serious in the early days as we will in the days to come(Media Spotlight- THE RESTORATION OF APOSTLES AND PROPHETS AND THE KANSAS CITY- VINEYARD CONNECTION byAlbert James Dager). a leading member of that church totally repudiate the story as given. Copyright 2022 GOD TV, Simco Media LLC. And so they threw Bob Jones out.(P.His 1, p. 15), THE FACTS BY FORMer pastor AND A CHURCH MINISTER ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT: During the time of my pastorate at Berean Baptist Church, a man by the nameof Bob Jones came to our services and started, without contacting or consulting the pastor, proceeded to insert himself as a prophet in every servicedominated the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding prophecies, supposedly from God, mostly in the flesh. The late Bob Jones once spoke prophetically that something significant would occur after five key leaders . (Why dont you) run away tonight and go back to town and get your gun and go kill them people, and then come back and sign into Veterans Hospital. . Bob refused counsel, refused to be under subjectionand took off for other churches where he would be free to make his predictions. I felt a strong uneasiness of the Holy Spirit when Mike first came to town and came by to visit me in my office. MB:=Mike Bikle And at 15 years old, you were taken out of the body. This full maturity is what is called the Manifested Sons of God doctrine that came from the Latter Rain Heresy. Besides that, he was never a member. (Testimony Letter 11-Full report below). Facebook, 13 Feb. 2023,, Furthermore, Pastor Vlad revealed that a revival also broke out on the campus 50 years ago in February 1970.,, After the dean invited students to share testimonies at the chapel service, students continued worshipping and praying for 144 hours, he said. The church member ended with, these deaths could, in no way, be construed as seven young people involved in sin, dying in a period of six weeks. This is a complete exploitation for the purpose of gaining personal credibility as a prophet. This man is not right! They will give instruction in the effect of colour in the healing of disease and particularly the efficiency of violet light in lessening human ills and in curing those physical plane sicknesses which originate in the etheric body. Prophet Jones was able to recite from memory the price of virtually every object in the room." . Bob was known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. Other pastors in Kansas City acknowledged that; The exaggerated stories of rejection gain sympathy for Bob and fit into their theology of prophets being people who have had to deal with rejection all their lives. I whole heartedly agree with all gospel action, but signs are not being scrutinized, prophecies and many prophets are not being examined. . Don't let Bob's legacy die! Yes its possible to disqualify ones self from public ministry! Its when I got saved, I started knowin the Lord. Sharing Policy: Hed say, They got me last night. Things that we encourage you to share include the audio sermons, O Timothy magazine, FBIS articles, and the free eVideos and free eBooks. This young man, Dennis Wagner. In 2020, GOD TV reported about Bob Jones' prophecy on the Kansas City Chiefs. Youre already bowing down to that altar of incense. Theres nobody in the natural that had a more integral role in establishing the foundations in that kind of prophetic way than Bob. I had hoped that there would have been some discipline taken at S.K.C.F. It went like this: Euossa, Euossa, use rela sema calah mala kanah leulla ssage nalan. Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. He gave me a prophecy. Jones is claiming to have actually died and was at the judgment, his judgment. Dager was a pioneer on this subject as he gave a warning of the false prophets that would change the church; the very things we are seeing today. "I saw there were two plagues coming to the global nations, especially the United States. He was back in the ministry within weeks. A prominent figure in the New Apostolic Reformatio n, Jones was the most controversial of the ' Kansas City Prophets .'. , Huntsville, Alabama, AP report, March 31, 1988). These are major disqualifying factors! I am in St. Louis pastoring, and a man namedAugustine Aculacomes through town. . As told above, Bob out right lied about his warning prophecies, at Berean Baptist Church, and actually recounted two different stories, both lies, as the pastor of the church and another member, recounted what actually transpired. Way of Life's content falls into two categories: sharable and non-sharable. - "About" David Cloud Although fearful at the time he ran. When you drink enough, you become possessedI become possessed (F89, p. 29), 3. He will be here the rest of his life. (P88, p. 4 5). This was the only other recorded death in the church in a 2-year span. Offering: We take up a quarterly offering to fund this ministry, and those who use the materials are expected to participate (Galatians 6:6) if they can. Bob Jones is nothing more than a story teller who attaches Christs name to what he is doing. A statement issued by Rick Joyner, Jack Deere, and Mike Bickel said: Paul admitted to these sinful practices and was placed under discipline, agreeing to a process of restoration, which the three of us would oversee. I warned them about a motorcycle. To contact Bonnie Jones send your inquiry to: Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministries White Horses Publishings P.O. Bob Jones is remembered for his many end-time prophetic visions that have come to pass, including a prophetic word about the current corona virus pandemic given many years ago:". , which he announced in a full-page ad in, magazine readers in 1983 and appeared on the cover of. I would say that if this is the direction of the church, listening to men like him we, *I want to thank Al Dager whose book I read 18 years ago. He was not under submission to the pastor. There are many reports of phenomena similar to the kind Jones describe found in occultism: heat in ones hands when the spirit of healing comes over them; touching someone to feel the same pain in order to diagnose sickness; predicting future events concerning famous personalities. Will and Judy were dedicated Christians and were youth leaders. He said,When you go to Kansas Citywe went the next month, in November, and, I am going to tell you four things. February 14, 2014. T he death of Bob Jones, Sr., at age 84 last month closed the era of hard-hitting evangelists of the Billy Sunday ilk, which reached its peak between the two world wars. The 5th edition of this book, November 2014, is significantly enlarged and revised throughout. . The color blue can also mean one is not getting enough oxygen. Now we have a church out of a church with new leadership to finally have us on the right foundation. Yesterday it was Toronto, today we have the freshfire revival in Lakeland, tomorrow it will be somewhere else. , April 11, 2009). (P88, p. 30) The Lord began to dealsovereignlywith him in the prophetic realm; he began to see technicolor visions in 1974and he said the Lord gave him nearly 100 dreams and visions concerning this movement over that 9-year periodfrom 74 to 83. 14:3 As a self-proclaimed prophet, with no history with the Body of Christ, no respect for leadership, and no reception to correction, these judgement prophecies were totally out of Biblical order. Savchuk, Vlad [@vladhungrygen]. Get out of here! So Bob, brokenhearted, and Viola drew back from the church as they were kicked out of it and said. They were killed on a motorcycle two days later. MB: Because they were in sin. Well, you are free to believe what you want, but I refuse to believe this mans fantasy tales that are unbiblical to the MAX. W.M. . As stated previously, he died on March 29, many months before the funeral of Will and Judy, not after. February 27, 2023 . Prophecy is increasing in purity, but there is a still a long way to go for those who walk in this ministry. But, he says, Im going to minister. And he says, My first task is to get you to believe it. I said, What movement? He said, You dont know nothin, do you? I said, The Lord just told me to come here; I dont know a clue about anything. And that began the bizarre 18-month period of events. Bob Jones, speaks about the Army that Paul Cain taught, Joels Army: I went and I seen the Lord, and it was like He was looking at little yellow thingslittle round, yellow things like a spirit of God itself. Youre going to see revelations of our Papa like youve never seen before. . Feb.4, 1930 - Feb.14, 2014 Bob Jones' death is being mourned by Christians around the world, while his life is being recounted and celebrated. (ROH, p. 6)And then he began to proceed to tell me an hour and a half or two hours, though I forgot the time, of this most unbelievable layout of visions that you could ever imagine in your mindIncredible, not like because it was so realisticincredible, like the first time you ever see Star Wars. The memorial program handed my wife and me at Billy's coffin (crafted by prison inmates), said, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them" (Rev. At 5 o'clock on the morning of May 27 th the Lord began to speak to me so I grabbed my pen and pad and began to write. At the Lakeland service with Todd Bentley, Bob Jones explains the churches future:What is the Lord doing? The 5 fold ministry is found in Eph.4:11 and there is no priesthood mentioned, it is about equipping the church. 4 1990). Early years. Consider what some of the statements mean in relation to the Latter Rain teaching of Jones and associates and to the Bible. The suit also alleged that the Roberts home had been remodeled 11 times in 14 years, that Lindsay spent nights in the ORU guest house with an underage 16 year old male, and that she frequently had cell phone bills of more than $800 per month, with hundreds of text messages sent between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. to underage males who had been provided phones at university expense (Oral Roberts University Faces the Blue Screen of Death, prophet bob jones biography. Next was Chuck-JOHNEL on February 10, 2018. concerning this mans behavior, but to my horror the leadership there began to put a great deal of stock in his prophesies. This is the second day that Bob Jones has been here to impart. YOU HAVE WHAT YOU SPEAK. As you know, that church fell to pieces a little later. Start your day together with God and the GOD TV team. Ford wrote his testimony of the affair, but it was sealed by the courts after Crouch sued to have the matter squelched. There will bepeople standing against you, and the Lord says, Do not answer them, as the Lord Himself will answer them.*Augustine Acula was defrocked a few years later for homosexual activity, and viewed as a false prophet. I said, A movement? He said, Oh, the Lord told me you wouldnt know anything about it. Biblical tongues were real languages that were spoken miraculously by those who had never learned the languages. Your email address will not be published. This is exactly the type of tongues I have heard dozens of times at Pentecostal and charismatic meetings in various parts of the world, but it is nonsense. Jane Lead and Alice Bailey, occultic mediums, prophesied the IDENTICAL things Jones and BIckle have been promoting for years. all the angels were looking through these and every once in awhile theyd say, Hey, heres an end-time one; get it down here on the end. She lost possession, through foreclosure, of the $4.5 million compound that formerly housed her ministry. Check out this powerful book on the Presence of the Holy Spirit. So according to their end time prophetic army they have a base 10-20% accuracy level. Bob Jones and his supernatural visions and experiences are foundational to Kansas City Fellowship and their Movement.b.Bobs background includes alcoholism, abandonment to sin, demon possession, drug addiction, and time in a mental institution; from this background he does a sudden 180 degree turn to become a major prophet of God for the last days.c.This man who saw demons regularly and partied with them prior to salvation now begins seeing angels and having out-of-body experiences, etc. To where you can rest from your labors and God will work His work through you in your rest and in your peace. Many that run in prophetic circles have respect for Jones, others Have a DIFFERENT OPINION and consider Jones a blatant false teacher/prophet that needs to be avoided. Bob is survived by his loving wife Bonnie Jones; his son Robert Wayne Jones of Lees Summit, MO; Step-son Lyn and his wife Katie Kost of Fort Mill, SC; Step-daughter Kimberly Glover and her husband Doug of Massillon, OH. magazine, and pastor of the 2,000-member Tabernacle Church in Melbourne, Florida. Base 10-20 % accuracy level about Bob Jones is claiming to have actually died and at... Bob & # x27 ; prophecy on the right foundation themselves among those in the natural that a... My wife leaped out of her chair and shouted, Hallelujah Lord was tellin me they. Of it and said died on March 29, many months that it a... Say, they got me last night our weekly newsletter at the time ran! Had heard the audible voice of the $ 4.5 million compound that formerly housed her ministry nothin, do answer... Ssage nalan only saw til 2060 and the Lord about my life: Hed say, got... About it for many months that it is about equipping the church better! 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bob jones prophet first wife