why take strontium on empty stomach

Meunier PJ, Slosman DO, Delmas PD, Sebert JL, Brandi ML, Albanese C, Lorenc R, Pors-Nielsen S, De Vernejoul MC, Roces A, Reginster JY. Here, however, is one reference for you showing reduction in fracture risk after 3 years Tx: Kendler DL. Experts now believe strontium is, " an essential trace mineral necessary for the optimal normal development and accretion of peak bone mass, and the sustained health of our bones." In the research, approximately 50% of the increase seen in BMD over 3 years of treatment with strontium was due to strontiums larger size, AND 50% of the increase seen in BMD was accurate. Re; Robert Gouterman January 17, 2012 at 8:31 am [i.e second post above] Glad you enjoyed the information, Kalpana! In the section above with the subhead, Adverse Side-effects Are Seen ONLY with Strontium Ranelate Natural Strontium Salts, Like Strontium Citrate are Safe, I explain that the latest research confirms that strontium ranelate increases risk for VTE. Again, the study says nothing about strontium weakening bone structure. Annette M.Doherty, pp. Just received today my 3 months supply of Algae Cal Plus and Strontium but havent started taking them yet. I have a smoothie for breakfast that contains a bunch of kale. It was impossible to calculate the elemental dosage because they didnt provide the molar-mas of the compound. Ideally an hour before, or three hours after eating. Its a very nice material to read and to know, thank you very much. Strontium ranelate is a prescription drug where the ranelate molecule is a patentable synthetic chemical. Thank you! Regardless of whether the form used was natural strontium citrate or the drug strontium ranelate, the maximum dose used has been 680 mg/d. MK-4, even at such a low dose, cant hurt and may help. 28, no. I know it works, Lara, Lara: Is their anyway to keep the bones healthy or even cure Osteasarcoom, as the doctors have said it is uncurable. If you tolerate 1 capsule, after several days of taking just 1, take 2, and see how you do. The doses ranged from 100 to 750 mg/kg per day of strontium ranelate, corresponding to 34255 mg/kg per day of Sr21. Recently I have cut back on my dosage of strontium citrate from 680 mg daily to 1 tablet of 340 mg daily. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. better absorption than CaCO3 2011 Dec 9;11:910.PMID: 22151975 Optimal is 60-80 ng/mL; the 30 ng/mL level, which many docs still refer to as just dandy, is barely above frank deficiency. The SR SPC(23)gives a value for Fspineof 50%. I hope this answers your question and inspires you to try AlgaeCal, which significantly improved my bone density in only 10 months, so I can vouch for it personally, and this is why I am doing what I can to help get the word out about AlgaeCal. Also, you want to consume approximately twice as much calcium (from food and supplements) as strontium. alternatively, is there a vegetable that I could substitute the kale for to put in my smoothie that is low in calcium so I could take with the strontium? I have family sisters with ckd. Keep me posted, Lara. I was thinking of ordering mine from Vita Cost but see brands. I am not a milk drinker and eat limited dairy products so I am unsure of the additional amount of calcium that I am consuming during the day. One very important factor to consider is vitamin A. Vitamin A is the key nutrient required for immune tolerance (vitamin A is involved in causing the immune system to produce regulatory T cells of the IL-10 strain, which help tune down and resolve inflammation), and many of us are not getting adequate vitamin A, which also works in partnership with vitamin D and should be consumed in comparable amounts for the optimal benefits derived from both nutrients. Ranelic acid is a synthetic chemical that belongs to the same family of toxins as benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Both the strontium and thecalcium supplements are absorbed in our gastrointestinal tracts using the same mechanism. How old are you? The likelihood of HCl insufficiency, which can also cause nausea, increases with age, and also occurs due to the use of acid-blocking drugs or overgrowth of a bacterium called H. pylori, which is surprisingly common. not writing a paper, thats for sure. trial. However, you must take Strontium either without food or if with a meal, it should be a meal that does not contain calcium. (We also do not eat meats, just fish, so its a turkey free zone around here as well, but I will fix LOTS of other things tomorrow morning as well a Brussels sprouts souffle that no one believes contains Brussels sprouts :-), fresh cranberry salad, green beans and potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes and yams. It has been suggested that bone resorption is most active at night, so taking strontium citrate just before bed may result in strontium exerting more of its antiresorptive effects when they are needed most. Hope this helps and if you have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out to our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 . The incorporation of fluoride and strontium in hydroxyapatite affects the composition, structure, and mechanical properties of human cortical bone. Interesting that my calcium was high and I have never taken calcium supplements until quite recently. How quickly our kidneys filter creatinine from the bloodstream, which is called the creatinine clearance rate, provides a measure of how effectively your kidneys are filtering your blood. Many commonly prescribed drugs cause hyperprolactinemia. Finally, plasma total ALP activity and IGF-I were also increased in treated animals, compatible with a bone-forming activity of strontium ranelate. ), Thank you for sharing your extensive knowledge about bone health and for this venue where questions can be asked! Your bones are quite capable of using both the 1,500 mg of calcium AND 680 mg of elemental strontium recommended for daily intake for postmenopausal women not on bio-identical hormone replacement (I say only BHRT here as conventional HRT is a very bad idea for many reasons!). If taking iron (or other vitamins) on an empty stomach causes stomach irritation, try eating a very light snack. Hello, thank you so much for the information about bone health on your website. However, osteomalacia is also frequently seen in end-stage renal failure patients who are not yet on dialysis and who have normal bone strontium levels. Please advice. The aim of the strontium ranelate (SR) for treatment of osteoporosis (STRATOS) trial was to investigate the efficacy and safety of different doses of SR, a novel agent in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. I also take 4 capsules of the Algaecal Plus daily(lunch/dinner). Re AlgaeCal adding this form of supplemental calcium to my regimen made a HUGE difference for me. I love both, and try to have an ounce regularly great for a snack with an apple, in omelets, and my familys all time favorite wonderful in tuna melts (I make tuna fish salad with canned tuna, omega-3 rich mayonnaise, lemon juice and a tablespoon of capers or jalapenos, spread it on whole wheat bread, top with a slice of Jarlsberg, spray the top of the sandwich with an organic olive oil version of PAM, put it on a cookie sheet and toast it the oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Thats a big win when you normally would have been losing bone density! I am just now going back over all the research on strontium and will be posting a full article on all this in the very near future. All tested doses were well tolerated; the 2 g/d dose was considered to offer the best combination of efficacy and safety. PMID: 21925296: In animal research, female rats whose ovaries had been removed (the standard protocol used to simulate human menopause) were given strontium chloride over a 2-month period. So you take half the dosage of strontium (1 capsule) Do you still take the full dosage of algae cal plus (4 capsules)? I take a 1000 mcg. Definitely a win on all fronts! I do not know her personally, but she is a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine a very good sign, the doctors involved with the IFM are both better informed and more open to integrative medicine. I am barely osteopenic now; my T-score went from -1.9 to -1.5. It effectively prevents and repairs osteoporosis without the side effects of bisphosphonates. Aquamin (used in New Chapter) has no published studies supporting its efficacy in promoting increases in bone density. Weve come a very long way since vitamins were discovered 100 years ago! Ill be following this research and will report the results. femoral neck] last July, I have been following the Save our Bones programme, taking Raw Calcium, a special over 50 muli- vitamin and other supplements. Read more about Removing These Toxins Can Improve Your Bone Health, According to Dr. Trubow. Please clear this up and let us know whether taking the two minerals separately just allows both to remineralize bones, or causes strontium to replace the calcium in bones. I did my researched and came across your web and decided to order and which I just received my 3 months supply today. Thank you JoAnn Rice. Hi Lara, Thanks for your reply. A creatinine clearance rate of 60-89 indicates the initial stage of kidney disease. If even after taking 4,000 IU per day and getting some sun for a couple of months, you are still not in the 60-80 ng/mL range, your genetic inheritance may like mine have resulted in poor absorption of vitmain D, so that you need more than the typical person. You can check Your Bones out from any public library if you dont wish to own it or you can run a Google search for foods rich in magnesium), and (2) you can take extra supplemental magnesium. And, of course, you also want to be sure to be providing adequate vitamin D to boost calcium absorption from the intestines and adequate vitamin K2 to activate the proteins that then ensure calcium is deposited in bone and not in arteries, kidneys or breasts. Your thoughts on this would be most appreciated. We already can get this information for some things for example, my genetic inheritance includes a SNP that makes my vitamin D receptors less able to latch on to vitamin D, so I need much more vitamin D than the average person to get my levels into a healthy range. To all our good health I have moved from the osteoporotic range to osteopenia and hope to continue until my bones are in the normal range. I take 1800 IU of Calcium daily (I will switch to Calcium Citrate since I have been taking the Calcium Carbonate chews and with meds for Acid Reflux I guess this was the wrong type of calcium for me) I also take Vit B12 250 mcg, Vitamin D 2200 IU and Omega 3 Fish oil 1000 mg. Thanks for sharing and we hope you enjoy some of our other blog articles ? I believe these are open to the public. It states the following: Strontium supplementation also increased thyroid-gland weight and decreased pituitary weight in rats, with a no-observed-adverse-effect-level roughly equivalent to 41 mg per day for humans. PMID: 22614439, Hope this helps answer your really great questions, Lara. A little daily high impact exercise by women in the mildly osteopenic range should be safe and may go a long way towards maintaining healthier bones. We would not expect accelerated bone loss after stopping strontium, and in fact, we suggest discontinuing Strontium Boost after a DEXA reading shows bone density within the normal, healthy range. 99% of Strontium is located in the teeth and bones where it promotes replication of preosteoblastic cells, which maintain bone health. Bone. AlgaeCal is live and phyto-nutrient rich / Aquamin is dead and decaying 1,000 micrograms is far below the 680 milligrams (which is the equivalnt of 680,000 micrograms!) Hi Yann, Absorbed ranelic acid is rapidly eliminated unchanged via the kidneys., http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Referrals_document/Protelos_and_Osseor/European_Commission_final_decision/WC500173031.pdf, Neither statement appears to be consistent with current research. Your doctor will be aware of the connection between hypothyroidism and hair loss, but may not be aware that hyperprolactinemia is another potential cause, so Im pasting in a recent citation on this here: Ziai M, Cifuentes L, Grosber M, et al. There are many reasons to do so in addition to just being able to take your Strontium Boost unfriendly critters in the digestive tract promote inflammation and interfere with nutrient absorption, and both of those promote bone loss. 2017 Feb;105(2):433-442. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35917. If so, discuss alternatives with your physician. I recently found this research study, https://eje.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/eje/165/3/469.xml. The bone drugs to not improve it. Shouldnt the label reflect the actual percentage? Our active intestinal absorption of strontium is vitamin D-dependent and decreases with aging, and with consumption of phosphate additives as well as calcium. The use of strontium ranelate has never been approved in the U.S. and is now significantly restricted in Europe, while strontium citrate is freely available. AlgaeCal actually contains several forms of calcium calcium hydroxide, chloride, phosphate and sulfate in addition to carbonate. Strontium-89 (Sr-89) chloride in the treatment of various cancer patients with multiple bone metastases. I have corresponded with a number of leading researchers. Dialysis is a way of carrying out this process. MK-4 at a small dose is unlikely to be all that helpful, but should not be harmful either. Please give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 if you have any additional questions! How long is it safe to use at the full recommended dosage and at what dosage is it safe to use after reaching the normal levels? My next DXA is due to be run May 2013 I expect I will no longer be even barely osteopenic.. 350, 459-468. https://www.facebook.com/lara.pizzorno.5/videos/10222810189713777/, https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0070980 Same rationale: BMD is considered by some to be a marker for lifetime estrogen exposure [3]. So now I have a new way of eating it which does not have this problem. Strontium is a . Adults above 70 years: 20 micrograms (800 IU) Because strontium is almost twice as large as calcium, even this tiny number of strontium-for-calcium ions exchanged in your bones can impact DXA readings. Pubisher is a non-profit and they have done their best to make the book affordable. Marilyn. Moise H, Adachi JD, Chettle DR, Pejovi-Mili A. Radioactive strontium is not sold as supplements! Rely on Science, not rumor. Please dont hesitate to call our bone health consultants a call at __ if you have further questions or concerns. Study protocol for prevention of falls: A randomized controlled trial of effects of vitamin D and exercise on falls prevention.BMC Geriatr. Be well, Lara. Here is the link: http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/87/5/2060.full.pdf. Im now 64 and hope to be taking AlgaeCal Plus for many years to come shooting for staying here with healthy bones until Im at least 100. Should we be cautious of test results and monitor the amount of strontium citrate in our systems. The bone density distribution in COMB study subjects ranged from normal, although low, BMD in comparison to age-matched controls since these were premenopausal individuals (25%), through (among the postmenopausal women), from slightly reduced (5%), to osteopenia (42%), to osteoporosis (29%). Please comment about this particular test and what we should be aware of with the results. Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle; its usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body and is eliminated in urine. . Please ask your doctor to check your thyroid hormone levels (T4, T3, rT3), and if you are hypothyroid, your levels of iodine and selenium should be evaluated. One study is 2004 and one is 2012 and rely on use of the ranelate version of strontium not citrate. Hi, I have been taking calcium, calcium rich foods and exercising to keep my bones strong, but my bone density test still show low bone density in my right hip. Please feel free to contact our Bone Health Consultants 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or email [emailprotected] for more information and personalized support! Hi Barb wow, thats wonderful! In fact, there has been so much research indicating vit D plays a very important role in our muscular stability that two very large trials are now in progress to sort out the best specific recommendations for how much vit D and how much calcium is optimal here are two papers discussing these studies one is being conducted in Spain, the other in Finland: Youre on your way back to healthy bones! So, the issue you bring up is an imporant and valid one. Start now. Safety does come first for me, and if at 41 mg/day they saw changes in thyroid I would like to take less. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Strontium is what is responsible for the bone-building effects. Ive seen this mentioned in comments on several websites. Yogurt is a great option here if dairy products agree with you, look for whole milk, organic yogurt from pastured cows, which will also provide vitamin K2 as well as calcium for you. HRT involves the use of extremely potent estrogens not produced by human women and has numerous adverse effects, including increasing breast cancer risk. 2002 May;87(5):2060-6. Its usually a Friday or Saturday night treat for him. I urge anyone taking ANY type of prescription medication to check on the adverse effects of the drug and the symptoms it produces. So it is best to take a supplement. Reginster, J. Y. You are now my go-to reference for bone health. The ability of this IVXRF system to monitor and measure bone strontium levels over time provides a useful diagnostic tool to help gain insight into strontium bone kinetics. My dilemma,however, is that I have been losing height. I hope this information is helpful to you and encourages you to give AlgaeCal a try. Since a significant amount of other research over the last 40 years has never shown any adverse effects from strontium combined with natural salts, like citrate (unless way more strontium was being consumed than calcium and then the adverse effect was rickets, not VTE or DRESS syndrome), it is only rational to conclude that the cause of the ADRs is the new-to-nature ranelic acid (ranelate in the combo). Strontium and calcium compete and calcium always wins so to get the most benefit from your strontium, take it at least 2 hours before or after having calcium supplements or foods rich in calcium. Just curious- did you get your DXA in April? 223-224. The prolonged duration of exposure to estrogen, reflected by reproductive history, young age at menarche, late menopausal age and the use of hormone replacement therapy are known to affect risk of breast cancer [1]., https://www.bmj.com/content/322/7302/1566.5 Same rationale: Bone mineral density can be an accurate marker of the bodys response to oestrogen, in that women with higher bone density are thought to be physiologically more sensitive to the hormones effects than women with lower bone density., https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14663777/ The final reference you provided is asserting that BMD should be measured in women with chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure, and in those on aromatase inhibitors. This paper is discussing the fact that treatment for breast cancer causes ovarian failure/early menopause in premenopausal women, depleting estrogen and promoting bone loss. If not you can find this information on the internet, but be sure you check to see how much is being said to be a serving. My neurologist couldnt find a cause but I havent started back up yet. I have my son, a 30 year old M.D. Aquamin costs less than AlgaeCal Why? Hi AJ, All three AlgaeCal Plans tested produced increases in BMD a marked improvement over just slowing the rate of age-related bone loss. As youve had a history of possibly reacting to citrate, we would recommend confirming with your doctor to see if Strontium Boost is appropriate for you at this time. Thus, if we take both the supplements together or at the same time, the two will compete for absorption by the body. This has caused me to seriously wonder if Im trading one problem for a more serious one down the road. Both have been shown in the research to significantly lessen risk of falling (and thus of fractures). Epub 2013 Jul 24. I will be 69 this year, and took my share of the old kind of Estrogen. Normal results from this test range from 10.0 45.0 ng/ml. Two key points you always want to be consuming around twice as much calcium as strontium. I mentioned this earlier, what are your thoughts on the following statement given in Lis thesis paper (cited above): Interestingly, according to one study, 170 mg of strontium per day was more effective than 680 mg per day for reducing fracture risk (Meunier et al., 2002), which raises the possibility that even lower doses might be as effective as, or more effective than, the dosages that have been studied.. And a large 2 year trial has just concluded using MK-7 to arrest the progression of coronary artery disease. The strontium I take is 1000 mcg. Osteogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow stromal cells by various intensities of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound. It is required for a reaction that occurs in the kidneys in which vitamin D is converted into its most active form (the form in which it is going to enable your body to effectively absorb calcium) and for the conversion of estrogen into the form in which it increases the bones absorption of magnesium, a key component of the crystal latticework that gives structure to our bones, (and yes, men produce and need a wee bit of estrogen; this tiny amount is critical for mens bone health). Prior to using AlgaeCal, I had been rebuilding bone, but SLOWLY. I very much hope this information will be of help. He asked me to take for 6 months this Strontium Renalate suspension every year. Sorry to hear youre experiencing nausea not fun! Has science and/or the medical field determined whether or not there is a level of strontium not to exceed in the human body? Inflammation, when chronic, promotes destruction of tissue in the joints (thus the osteoarthritis already noted) and activates osteoclasts excessively, increasing the rate of bone turnover. After reading a number of the papers Chen LJ et al. 6. As I explained, calcium and strontium compete for absorption, and calcium will always be preferentially absorbed. You are a brave and intelligent woman! Should the Calcium supplement be taken morning then, evening for better absorption or is the schedule of Strontium Calcium Calcium, with the. Ive tried taking only one capsule, and even one half capsule with some mashed applesauce or banana. (I helped create the content on WHF and continue to help maintain it) As you work your way through Your Bones, I hope you will use it to figure out how much your diet is providing for you of the nutrients essential for building healthy bones and what and how much you will need to get from supplements. The second study (Blake and Fogelman) drew this conclusion: Strontium is the only treatment proven to be effective at preventing both vertebral and hip fractures in women aged 80 y and over.. In other words, 3 capsules give you 1550 mg of citrate AND 680 mg of strontium. Your DXA in April used in New Chapter ) has no published studies supporting its efficacy in promoting in! They didnt provide the molar-mas of the old kind of Estrogen twice as much calcium ( from food supplements... All that helpful, but should not be harmful either for this venue where questions be... And may help about this particular test and what we should be aware of with the results ; Robert January... Plus daily ( lunch/dinner ) the calcium supplement be taken morning then, evening for better absorption or the... Your bone health Tx: Kendler DL helpful, but SLOWLY son, a 30 year old.! 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why take strontium on empty stomach